Mythic DLC Tethered

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Desert Fox, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    "The Quito Space Tether goes into lock down when breached. But that's not all your going to lose..."

    Tethered is a competitive map on the new Mythic Map Orbital that features strategic, creative, and aesthetic geomerging and new uses of the map's space. It is a map that revolves around isolating gameplay from the entire map to a central chamber. There is an upper and bottom half of the map that both support teams of eight, which, on a map of this size, would be sheer chaos. Although it supports such a capacity, this map is best played on team doubles or teams of three. Supported gametypes include:

    King of the Hill
    Team Slayer
    Capture the Flag

    The map itself is comprised of an upper and lower half with spawns for each respective teams located there. There are two spawn "chambers" per team to prevent spawn camping and to shake-up gameplay. This also help adjust capture the flag games. If you spawn at point A or B upper or lower, you will have to, at some point, cross the main chamber. This is the main shaft of Orbital that is partially blocked by catwalks (a feature that leads to a secret chamber beneath the platform) and provides players with two ways to reach the upper level. There is a sniper perch that is accessible via geomerged mancannon to help balance gameplay.
    There are also some hidden goodies including a power drain and radar jammer hidden in interesting spots. The weapons list is as follows:

    Item/Amount/Respawn Time/ spare clips

    Needler/2/30 seconds/2
    Sniper/1/90 seconds/0
    Battle Rifle/10/30 seconds/3
    Shotgun/1/90 seconds/0
    Plasma Pistols/2/30 seconds/NA
    Regenerator/1/90 seconds
    Bubble Shield/2/ 60 seconds
    Radar Jammer/1/90 seconds
    Power Drain/1/90 seconds
    Brute Shot/1/90 seconds/1
    Spike Grenades/20/10 seconds
    Frag Grenades/10/10 seconds

    There are NO powerups in this map.

    Now, Teh Pictures!

    View of middle and bottom centerpiece to bottom hall 2

    Upper Spawn 1 with aesthetic barrier

    Upper Spawn 2 with strategic cover

    Upper Spawn Walkway with middle to the left

    Bottom Spawn 1 to bottom hall 1

    Bottom Hall 1 from bottom spawn 1

    Bottom Hall 2 to bottom spawn 2

    Bottom Hall 2 to middle

    Middle with geomerged mancannon bottom left, gravity lift to upper spawn, pallet jump to upper spawn, and catwalk system

    Where the catwalk leads to: shotgun spawn room with gaps all around crate for trickiness

    Sniper Perch accessible by mancannon at bottom left middle

    Aesthetic Bubble shield 1

    I love bubble shields!


    Teleporters are to prevent sniping domination :)



    YES, trash receptacles are provided for your convenience.



    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    do you even notice the skill in this.....? Look at his geo merging and weapon placement..... its amazing. You say its a big mess, but you seem to be think only one way. he most likely made it messy for a purpose. But to me, i think i see a great deal of good work in this map. 5/5 tbh !
  3. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    I think it looks like a bunch of space junk just flew in and got littered across the hallways. This map to me looks kind of more aesthetic than competitive you should maybe straighten out the objects and stuff 3/5 for aesthetics.

    effort or not you should try to geomerge the objects straighter. I'm not sure what you were trying to do.
    #3 Ghost717, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    The noobs will not understand this map. I can see what you were trying to do here, and you did it no doubt. I really have no complaints from the pictures. Will download and try to give it a better review later
  5. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    i liked it a bunch. while it seems messy from the pictures, give the map a go and you will realize thats its an extremely creative endeavor to forge in such a confined space like Orbital. 4.5/5. Hella good job
  6. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Messy!? No way. Yall call it messy and random but I'd like to see yall merge on orbital. I still am trying to learn how to geomerge on sandbox (lol). Seriously though this is probabely the best orbital map I've seen (which there has only been like 2 posted so...) Love the merging and the aesthetic bubble shield is a nice touch. I'll definitely be downloading this. 5/5
  7. BaronSharp

    BaronSharp Ancient
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    This looks very well done. The post was absolutely perfect, the screenshots properly embedded, and you presented a very well done asthetically geo-merged map.

    10/10 I would love to see something geomerged/interlocked on Assembly. *Hint Hint*

    It also plays remarkably well. I love what you did with the bubble shields. Once again, very well done.

    Oh, yes, you have my download.
  8. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Thanks guys for the replies. I'm frankly AMAZED, however, that I've been reprimanded for the messiness of the map.

    For starters, the map has NO strewn objects save the two barriers at the upper and lower spawns. THE IDEA was to to create a feeling of antigravity hence the geomerged boxes that seem to be floating weightlessly. Had you read the description (THE FIRST LINE IN THE POST), you would've realized this.

    Thank you for the people who actually downloaded the map as well. As for everyone else, remember that criticism is worthless if you don't give suggestions.
  9. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    I'm sorry for being ignorant and not reading your post completely. Now that you mention it being a zero gravity map, it makes more sense. I also forgot to mention that the geomerging is very well done. 4/5

    Also, how did you gemoerge on this map?

    If i thought what i said was ignorant, look at what this guy said. i agree with Dessert Fox, he contradicts himself way to much. and don't call him a bad forger or tell him he sucks, i would like to see you merge objects like he did.
    #9 Manoukian1414, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  10. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    I hope you downloaded before you rated. But still, thank you. Anything I can fix? I might be coming out with a v2 if I get enough positive response.
  11. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I haven't played it yet but i'm glad someone finally did something with orbital instead of pumping out another cliched sandbox map. The geomerging was great which is giving me ideas with this map. I'm actually working on a map for orbital right now. Great job and I hope you make a v2.

    And maybe in the v2 work on the bases a bit more. They didn't see a lot of action.
  12. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Finally some advice! Yea I want to add more means of reaching the upper level to prevent congestion and/or camping. The bases are primarily used for attack and defense and don't primarily see action as they were intended to be a "sort-of-safe" haven.

    But yes, I will get around to a V2 and I will make sure that there is more mobility. Thank you for the input.
  13. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    It can't possibly be messy if every single object is fully intended to be where it is.
    The gravity concept is a great idea, already forgers are thinking outside-of-the-box with the Mythic maps. The feel looks perfect.

    The one problem I can see is that there are a lot of grenades on your map, now I have no idea for sure, but so many grenades can have a negative impact on gameplay.
    This is because grenades become as common as pebbles, and they are thrown constantly.

    Grenades create a hazard and confusion, and promote bad playing habits when in ready supply, many will be wasted.
    If I read correctly, there are 30 grenades on your map! Players also spawn with two frag grenades.

    Only using two grenade types is smart, but the number of them on the map has to be turned down significantly.

    An additional idea would be to turn the player gravity to its highest or lowest setting when you play on this map.
    It would allow you to get a feel for gravity distortion (EX: Completely free, or with magnetic boots)

    I will get a game on this and get back to you.
    #13 Catmon, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  14. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
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    Looks like a good 2v2 map. I chuckled at the "aesthetic barrier," not laughing at you. My friend would throw a bunch of crap in one place that was a big mess, told me not to remove it, then made giant penises in the Crypt while I worked on my map above. He said it was for aesthetic purposes.

    But about the grenades.
    I think that it would be best to leave the grenades in places that would not be high-traffic areas. On your map, I think 8-10 grenades should be plenty. Place frags in unimportant areas, so people will consider getting them. I like to place them in pairs.
  15. JubJub Joe

    JubJub Joe Ancient
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    I felt compelled to post on this thread for 2 reasons;
    1) The map looks very interesting. Even from looking at the screenshots, I can see you've done something original with a map that many people have simply discarded for sandbox.
    2) I wanted to balance out the level of ignorant posts I've seen. People may have different opinions on what is considered 'good' in a map, but rarely do you come across the sort of unconstructive criticism that I've seen on this thread. If a map does everything that is intended of it, you can't mark it down in that respect.

    You get credit for even putting up with some of the rubbish I've seen written about your map. It's as if people are becoming too lazy to bother reading descriptions and simply scroll down to look at the screenshots.

    From what I can see, your geomerges look great, and I like the general concept behind the map. I'm downloading it to get a better idea of what it's all about. In all honesty, I don't even understand the default Orbital...

    It looks great, don't take account of the unconstructive crap that some people seem intent on giving out.

    Right, I've had a quick forge-through and I've got a couple of comments to make.

    I liked the general feel of the map... all of the cool space crap was aesthetically pleasing, and the general layout seemed to suit tactical 2v2 games and KOTH or oddball. The only revision I can suggest is that you change the dynamics of the man cannons... to me they seem a bit 'random', and they don't seem to take me where I want to go. It also seemed a bit strange that I could man-cannon to the skull, which may or may not have been intentional... hah it's a terrible weapon anyway. I did like the general idea of the centre part, but I just think it could be slightly more refined in its purpose.

    Anyway, good map, though I'm yet to play a proper game on it so my criticism is purely speculative.
    #15 JubJub Joe, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  16. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Wow. Let that reply be an example to everyone everywhere.

    That's an excellent point you make. The whole idea was to make the center the point of convergence while still allowing it to be accessible (top to bottom) in more than one way. To avoid camping and whatnot. But if I grasp what you're saying correctly, you think it would be better to make the center more refined by adding accuracy to the lift and flow of the center itself, right?
  17. JubJub Joe

    JubJub Joe Ancient
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    I think the lift needs a slightly more defined flow, as it just seems to propel me in whatever direction it chooses. I found it quite difficult to move myself around that area, and in game that could be a potential interuption to a fight. I can understand that my point is fairly ambiguous, and as you can tell I'm nitpicking quite a lot here.

    To be fair, I think you've done a decent job of camping reduction. I certainly wouldn't choose to balance myself on a wooden pallet. Obviously grenades do a fine job of vetting out would-be hidey holes.
  18. jebby457

    jebby457 Ancient
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    I think it's very hard to make a good map with permanent objects in these small DLC maps, but this is an exception - it is a very imaginative layout that I don't think many people would have thought about using Orbital for. When I first explored Orbital, I had no idea how anyone could do a decent Forge on it. In my opinion, this is on the same level as the great Ghost Town map I saw floating around these forums a few days ago - I can't emphasise how tricky it is to forge these small maps.

    I can't really suggest improvements for gameplay as I haven't played any games on it yet and I can't really see any improvements in layout bar one. There are far too many grenades for my liking - in a small map like this, there's going to be constant explosions and that can create slightly irritating moments of being blown up excessively. I look forward to having a proper game on this though, just to see how it plays out. A very creative and impressive effort!

    I agree with JubJub on the level of thoughtless messages that were posted in here - they are great proof that a lot of Forgehubbers post without downloading. And somebody ban that Richard Karn chap - he shouldn't be welcome on these forums with an attitude like that.
  19. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I give you much credit for the creativity. I haven't gotten the balls to make a map on Orbital. This is highly impressive and it will be my favorite Orbital map for a very long time. I'll download it when I can man. In the mean time, have some one take care of these noobs.
    #19 Ja Red is Ninja, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2009
  20. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Thanks dude. Yea they really need to be monitored or at least change their attitude.

    I might be comin out with a v2. stay tuned.

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