Sandbox Quantum

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by bam3214, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    well, yeah. that person who had an org*sm (^) over teh interwebs apparently doesn't know anything about roller coaster style races. they are supposed to be bumpy. you are supposed to fall off of it a lot. they are supposed to test your driving skills and not be double-wide. and it is supposed to be 'bumpy', roller coasters usually don't feature much interlocking. take that one race on foundry, you know, like the first race ever, with no interlocking, placing objects together like the map above, and the highest you go is the first hill [which was made of open double boxes]? you know, probably the first race you ever played and got pissed because you couldn't stay on track? the one that supposedly bungie made? yeah... [save yourself the shame and delete that damn post already]

    onto the map, fairly epic. no ideas for you to improve on, just keep on making huge tracks.
    #21 toasted kittuns, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    ive been messing around on this track since i DL'd it a few days ago. Im pretty bad at driving so i still cant finish it, but other people who dont suck usually finish.

    its a lot of fun to mess around on.
  3. HLGmostwanted

    HLGmostwanted Ancient
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    Pretty Good, Interlocking is not needed at all but could be used in some spots for smoother driving on tighter turns. Other then that however it has a wonderful layout and looks like allot of fun( if i ever complete it :S).

    #23 HLGmostwanted, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  4. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    i just edited my post to include a youtube vid of the track, so make sure it check it out. it shows the track so much better than the pics could ever show!!
  5. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    this looks pretty good mayne.
    I like how big and vast the whole track is.
    Although i see lots of room for improvement,
    it looks really narrow and very rough.
    Try placing the objects closer, so there still not touching, but not big enough were you just fall through.
    But otherwise, good job.


    Nevermind, the spacing looks good, as seen in the youtube video.
    Forget i said that. lol
    #25 Huntar, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  6. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    To be honest here it's not really a track overall. It's a roller coaster ride. It doesn't matter I love roller coasters :).
  7. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    ah these huge race maps are reminding me of the UT2004 days. i used to play those things all the time and now it has come to halo! there is only one thing i recomend. some of the places could use some merging and about halfway through make some sort of swich so if you die like 2 feet from the end you dont have to start from the begining. but hey its your amazing map.9.5/10
  8. cras777

    cras777 Ancient
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    Quick Question.

    Is this suppossed to be uncheatable?

    I've managed to cheat on it.
  9. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    I played this, I give it a 5/5, pretty hard racetrack to stay on. Love the awesome banked turns, and the cyclone turn on the end it epic, impossible without the grav lift to push you back onto the track. The only problem is that it's hard to go all the way across the wedges. I always hit like a back wheel and it spins and I fall off. It's pretty hard, but I wouldn't say change it, maybe improve it to make it work easier.

    Here's a challenge for everyone: Try going across the whole rollercoaster without falling off or slowing down.
  10. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Dude you gotta make more of these man. This is sickness.

    I can just imagine some of the ones you made on avalanche only three times as long and insane. keep it up brah.

  11. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    ya i know. you can jump from the starting line to the track below, but its more of a roller coaster anyway... plus i ran out of money to create track barriers
  12. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    i think it would be pretty cool if you could turn off the death barrier and make a jump that falls almost all the way to the ground. that would be awesome. Good map. to make it really good you could interlock. you have talent. use it to make a super racing map with intense jumps.

    ZACKxATTACK Ancient
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    one thing i think needs to be changed is the spaced small wedges,as in replace them with bridges, because i die there half of the time i play, its like ur at the mercy of the wedges... all together great map, i made twice ina a row once tho! ne ways plz consider fixing the bumps

    ZACKxATTACK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    by bumps i mean the wedges
  15. Eggsish

    Eggsish Ancient
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    Like everyone else I'm gonna say it could probablly use some interlocking, but it looks pretty good in the video and even thought it looks like you (or whoever was driving) did it a couple of times before and know the track well it looks like it's acctually possible to complete. I'm queing this and I'll try it first thing when I play Halo 3 the next time, which is later to night I hope.
  16. Riseing

    Riseing Ancient
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    Change nothing in this map. This is by far one of the best racetracks I have ever seen. Its maps like this that I miss. This map requires true skill not just the abilty to drive but to be able to make quick desions. To deal with bumps and such. 5/5
    Please make another
  17. dotsite

    dotsite Ancient
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    Wow, my friend showed me this on live but I forgot to dl it (left it there in recent games, played it a bit more, meh. ^-^) and it's amazing I've found it on here. I love this map - each twist and turn is unique, and I've never encountered anything like the bump bit before. It's an excellent race map, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. :3

    I think the bumps are fine, to be honest. I make it 9/10 times, so, maybe you need to try and do it a different way. Less/more speed, perhaps?
    #37 dotsite, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  18. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
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    Hay dude take a chill pill & lern how to you's • its not that hard dude

    Butt I think this is a sick ass track it looks like a hot weel track...hahaha...but like I was saying good job dude I give 5/5
  19. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    this map is awesome finally a good racetrack on sandbox the rest on here are nice but to simple and boring this one is good
    i like to see another one from the middle piece of sandbox because you can go high in the air and if you make some nice huge ways and stuff would be very cool keep up the good work
  20. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    This is very large WOAH! I like to see someone really using sandbox's large area and budget finally. And as far as the map goes, you don't need to interlock on sandbox to have it look good, and the racing looks intense, 5/5, no joke. :)

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