I have got complaints of pics not working so im making it better now Story:Amongst the seas there is a epic battle for land and treasure.Pirates besiege a Merchants ship near their Island get-away. This map is good for Slayer 4v4 or 8v8 and Captur the Flag after 120 seconds of gameplay there will be transport hornets for boarding ships or travel to the island to disable others hornets with the missle pod but no worries plays really good on CTF. It is really a new way of Asthetic and gameplay first you kill then go after the flag .Inspired by Destroyer7793 for his map.The island is a good get-away for flag runners and hornet flyers Heres the Download Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Overview of Merchants ship Blue,Pirates Red,And Island get-away Island get-away Pirate ship Merchant ship Cargo hold Merchant ship Barracks Pirate ship Barracks Pirate ship Cargo hold Well thats it.Made by TNT144,Stick MY BR,and last and mostly least Grassantor. O_0 LOLZ Let me know what you think. Hope this time it ill work sorry for the inconvenence
wow, I have to say, I've been seeing a lot of pirate ship maps lately and this seems to be a rather good one. I like the lower decks of both ships. I would like to see some more explaining on the gametype. And what the island is for.
Looks pretty interesting. Well forged from what I can see in the pics. And as chung_wii said, can you explain more about the gametype and map, cuz lots of people will want to know before they dl. forging: 4/5 BTW, if pics dont work, don't start a new thread, youre just bumping other ppl down for everyone to see. Just go and edit pics so they work
Sorry to all left out that after 120 seconds of gameplay there will be transport hornets for boarding ships or travel to the island to disable others hornets with the missle pod but no worries plays really good on CTF
Hey nice map and all. I really like the ships from the inside. But to point out: your ''save Rocket Race'' link isn't working, and i would really like to join, if i know what it's all about Rocket Race FTW! Ooh btw 4/5