Sandbox Grenade Tag

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Prodigious 7k, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Grenade Tag has for a long time been a good crowd pleaser with its simple grenade based gameplay. It was (like most of my maps) originally made on foundry. This mini game is very fun for everyone playing. Unlike most grenade based games, this is infection, mainly because you can have many more options to do with traits etc.

    Now... the start of the round the zombie is in a corridoor full of grenades...


    ... and the humans are in a box paralell to the corridoor.


    The aim for the zombie is to kill as many people with the grenades as possible before the timer runs out, and the aim of the human is to simply stay alive and wait for the custom powerup to spawn.


    The custom powerup allows the human who picks it up to kill the otherwise invincible zombie.

    To stay alive you NEED to jump out of the way of the grenades...


    ...otherwise you'll end up like this guy.

    Extra info:

    • The humans have needlers because the explosion from them makes the zombie jump, therefore making it harder for them to throw the grenades.
    • The zombie has an energy sword for anyone who gets too close.
    • The floor of the corridoor is lower than the floor for the humans, this prevents camping spots which where a problem in the foundry version.
    • The zombies do not have regenerating grenades because they do'nt regenerate fast enough, instead there is a row of mixed grenades (this includes firebomb, plasma and spike grenades) , all of which are on instant respawn.
    • This game is very good for 4+ players but can be done as a 2 or 3 player game with reasonable results.
    • On the pictures it looks like the zombies cannot see. They can, do'nt worry.
    • I know there are lots of very similar grenade based maps out there and probably one or two very similar to this. I would like to make clear i did not copy anyone in the making of this map.

    If you need any help or tips, contact me via xbox live. My gamertag is Prodigious 7k
    #1 Prodigious 7k, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  2. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    looks fun as hell
    5/5 good work, simple but fun ;)
  3. PIZZA S4UC3

    PIZZA S4UC3 Ancient
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    fun game it is good with 8 people it somewhat reminds me of a map i say yesterday but still its good i will play again 2night
  4. woodaba

    woodaba Ancient
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    I played on this, and I must admit it is LOADS of fun. It just goes to show that maps needent be needlessly complex to be fun.
    Although, when we set the zombie count to 2, it was a little more challenging.
  5. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Looks like it could be fun but I'd suggest making two corridors for the zombies to spawn in, that way it is harder for the humans.
  6. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    amazing map dude! its so simple yet so ingenious. i'll try to comment again after i play but right now its a solid 5/5.
    btw a second corridor in future versions would be pimperish.
  7. silencer1008

    silencer1008 Ancient
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    This looks really well thought out, good job. Great Idea. Dwnl q'ued
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Great job, and it looks liek it would be lots of fun with a whle bunch of people. Although it looks like it would be even more fun if it was just fire bomb nades.
  9. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    This has no negative comments and nearly 700 views, but ONLY 67 downloads? Whats wrong with this game? Or whats wrong with people on forge hub? If you're not going to download it tell me why?
    #9 Prodigious 7k, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  10. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    I have seen so many of these maps its not even funny but this is one of the best ones i have ever seen, its very well forged and interlocked and it looks like a lot of fu

    5/5 way to go

    - Tyberious
  11. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    i am going to make another version in a few days, so i would apreciate some comments on improvements, what you like, what you dont like, what i should change, what i should keep etc. that would be much appreciated. many thanks
  12. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    This is similar to my map Ring of Fire lol, but this still looks like a lot of fun with any amount of people, and i like that there are different types of grenades. Great job! =)
  13. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    yeah i put a comment on ring of fire a few days ago saying that. but yeah it is the same concept on both maps and mine has been here longer, also mine has more merging and forging than ring of fire but the gameplay is very similar
    #13 Prodigious 7k, May 30, 2009
    Last edited: May 30, 2009

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