He will Always be watching you... link:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=73644350
TC spammed more than five threads only posting one picture each in them. Really, It hurts my eyes after a few seconds. What are you wearing, welder's goggles?
Well, I like it. Seeing only the eyes is really good, perfect usage of the hayabuse armor. If it was less bright, you could have seen the helmet. In fact, it is a creative pic.
Should've taken a later picture like when the flare (assuming) starts to die down. So you can see his helmet.
For those with bad eyesight, it's a really really faded Hayabusa helmet visor (the eyes). Kinda original, good in execution, but overall kinda monotone to me. Not much to do with this. 3/5
I knew it was a Hayabusa helmet. The reason it hurts my eyes is that at the time, my lights weren't turned on and it was late at night. So yeah, it hurt my eyes.