Welcome to the BombRoom The map is "BombRoom". The game is "Bombermen". Obviously, Bomberman was a big inspiration. The rules are easy; It's 4 versus 4, 1 neutral bomb, 5 minute rounds, and the first team to score 3 bomb detonations wins the round. Best of 3 rounds wins the match. Sounds easy enough, right? Read on. Now you're probably asking, what is this doing in the Mini Game Maps section? Well, think of the game as Grifball... but not. BombRoom/Bombermen is what I would classify as a "competitive team sport" set in a first person shooter veideogame. And that's where the similarities with Grifball ends. Visualize BombRoom as a Tic-tac-toe board; on one side is the Red Team spawn, with 1 of 3 bomb plant locations to defend. The other 2 bomb plant locations are on either side of the spawn room. This is the fun part. The 2 side bomb plant locations are a one time deal. Once a bomb has been planted at either of those 2 locations, well, it would be quite difficult to plant a bomb there a second time. You see, I have constructed a machine that furiously spits out fusion coils at those locations once a bomb has been detonated there, making it near impossible to plant another bomb at the 2 side locations, forcing you to have to plant at the other 2 locations remaining. And that's why I say it's like a Tic-tac-toe board; 3 in a row, and you win the round. Before we continue, let's look at some pictures (captions will be placed under each shot): This is 1 of 3 bomb plant locations to defend/attack. As evident of the flying fusion coil, it's obvious that a bomb has already been planted here. Spawn room/bomb plant location. Seems the poor guy didn't get out before the bomb detonated. Even with the shield door, this bomb plant location is the easiest to attack as it is closest to bomb spawn. A good team will learn to defend this location well. Here's an overview of the playing field. At the top left is "The Machine". The top middle is the Blue Team spawn room. On the right side is the bomb spawn (behind the 4 shield doors); I like throwing grenades at the middle structure of the bomb spawn location as the top of it is perfect for ricocheting grenades behind the shield doors. They always rush blindly for the bomb at the start of the round. Like I said, I like throwing grenades into the bomb spawn room. Good news: You didn't step on the trip mine someone placed inside the structure. Bad news: Your teammate did and now you're outnumbered. Here's another shot of "The Machine". Spoiler: This guy doesn't get to plant the bomb at this location (again). And now, a few more action shots: And now, let me explain game details. Everyone spawns with a magnum pistol. Players have no shields, and can only take 50% as much damage as normal. This means one headshot and you're dead. You move at 150% speed, and gravity is set to 200%, meaning you can't jump very high. The bomb carrier moves at 75% speed, has 2x overshield, and is forced a yellow color. Everyone is also equipped with a plasma pistol as a secondary weapon to quickly take out the bomb carrier's overshield. It takes 3 seconds to arm the bomb, 10 to detonate, and 3 to disarm. The map is littered with all types of grenades, 6 Sentinel Beams, 2 Trip mines, and a single Battle Rifle with no extra clip with a minute and a half respawn time. As stated before, this map is symmetrical, so weapon and spawn placements are balanced. Some things worth mentioning: - A few of my playtesters think that the movement speed at 150% might be a little too fast. These same people seem to agree that the sweet spot is at 125%. - I suggest you play around with different health percentages to see what you might like, but the default should be just fine. If you feel that you die too quickly, I suggest normal health with no shields. - "The Machine" can randomly stop working. But don't worry too much about that because it's surprised many people who thinks it's safe. I advise taking caution around The Machine once a bomb has been detonated there. - You don't necessarily have to plant a bomb at all 3 locations to win. The middle bomb plant location can be bombed 3 times. - A good strategy is to have one teammate protect the middle bomb plant location and fry anyone who comes through the shield door with a Sentinel Beam. Be careful though; those with good aim will slip grenades through a small crack above the shield door. - Try playing with the bomb carrier speed slowed to 50%, with 4x overshield. It can get quite intense and suspenseful. And now, the download links! Click HERE for the map. Click HERE for the gametype. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy my map/gametype. All comments and criticisms are welcome.
this looks pretty good, I dont see very much interlocking, (then again I'm tired and not looking that hard...) but I don't think this map needs much. Looks pretty fun too! I'll give a 4/5 for now, DL and more review later...
Thanks... You can't tell from the pics, but yeah, I interlocked where necessary. Quite a lot actually.
Wow, this looks really, really good. I will dl tomorrow and hopefully get a game in, if not a forgethrough. Will it work 3v3?
Very interesting looking! I love the idea where you cannot score more than once on each bomb plant area. I'll probably be downloading this so I can figure out how you set up multiple min/max switches (if that's what you used). Great job on the game idea, I really hope this gets some attention.
Well, you can't score twice on the outer bomb locations, but you can on the middle ones. Also, for some odd reason, a "Machine" will randomly stop working as intended. I set it so that there should be a minimum of 4 fusion coils on the map at all times (that's how many I placed on the map), so when one flies out of the machine, another should spawn and spit out a second or so after. Well, everything is set up correctly, but it will randomly just spawn the fusion coil after 10 seconds (it's set respawn time). It's funny when this happen though because someone will think it's safe to plant a bomb there but all of a sudden... SURPRISE!!! I love it when that happens.
this sounds like the perfect gaetype, you are a genius and you deserve reconXD i realy think this map should be featured. 10 stars for you!