Hey I'm just starting to get into Forging and since I don't have Foundry as of yet I thought I'd start practising some techniques on other maps. I'm making a map on Guardian now and it's turning out alright but I've been searching around a bit and can't seem to find an answer to this. I need to block people from going up the orange lift to the top level. I probably could manage to block it off with a couple gravity lifts but I also need to use that room and the gravity lifts make half of the room un useable. Thanks for any help
If you weren't planning on using the top level, you could just make a pathway (with crates) with grav lifts which would escort the players back down the two holes on either side. Or you could use the teleporter in the lift. Or you could just put 2 crates in front of the lift and use a teleporter to stabilize them, but this might take up a lot of space too.
You could even go so far as putting a teleporter where they come out and then a reciever node at the bottom so they are forced back down. You could also save a teleporter near the bottom and put a crate in there. You could ALSO just put two crates in front of it and restrain those with teleporters if the teleporter in the grav lift doesnt work out.
"You could even go so far as putting a teleporter where they come out and then a reciever node at the bottom so they are forced back down." Exactly what I did , I stacked two sender nodes ontop of each other so they cant avoid it by jumping in the lift. They will pop out on the bottom level again, facing in the wrong direction so it dosn't give them an advantage by popping out of the teleporter unexpectedly and firing at the opposing team.