
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by the whyher, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words, as far as saying its the best, I didnt, I said I think its one of the best. I think chillout V3 is still the best forge map. It is an overview in recap form that may be why it sounds that way to some.


    flame near shotty?
    the flame in the room is fine near the shot gun, that room makes for some fun moments, some camp it or get stuck in it. It is very cool but can also be a pain. I do not think the flame is a power weapon at all so its fine with me.

    I see what you are saying about coming out in not the much area, but it needs them for sure. They are a BIG part in flag and bomb games. You will get use to it I think I will not mind it anymore hopefully after you try one of those game types out.

    The Alien is fun on many levels over on the conveyer belt, when the hill is up there its fun to try and pull off head shots looking on both sides of you. The best thing to do is get it and bring it out of course in most cases. The sniper tower is only effective for a short while. You are out in the open with no real cover, I like to take a kill or two and leave.

    Its just for looks to go along with the story. It was moved after the second battle.

    Some Cool Stuff...

    If you are at the top of the conveyer belt or in the belt engine room you can still hear the back up engine still running... check it out!

    Marangu trail, the name and description of it on kilimanjaro is real. It does exist.

    You can fire through the fence walls but sniping through is not always a sure thing so dont be too made when the shot bends.

    Rockets of course can not go through the fence walls but did you know that zero splash does aswell. You can be touching the fence wall on oneside and a rocket hits the other and have no damage or splash damage.

    No nad jumping! The fence railing is at the right level so you can not nade jump in too the base.

    There are more than just the 2 ways into the bases. There are the main stairs, the teleports, and one more. The crate near the the flag side of the each base can be moved by a nice nad or rocket and the jump from center platform or mauler platform to that lip can be made. Its a hard jump but can be made and used well in flag and bomb.
  2. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Woah... this is sweet! I absolutley love how you made the video...

    Senior Member

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    do i need to re-download this? did you change anything from the time we played it a while back? if so, i will
  4. xx Hakeem xx

    xx Hakeem xx Ancient
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    I really like the layout of the map, especially the use of interlocking and scenery objects. Can't wait to try it.
  5. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I played this awhile back with you and I must say that I am going to make an effort to make all my movies at the same level as yours becuase this presentation (minus the odd grammar mistake) was amazing. Great job and I can't wait to see more.
  6. j trip out

    j trip out Ancient
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    I have to agree with everyone else and say this is a great presentation.

    I also got disgusted by the cockyness of you rating your own map. FIX IT
  7. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    All I have to say is wow...that video was awsome! and the map itself looks great. Im going to download and do some test playing.
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I like the look of this map, as well as map post. Both are very simple and clean.
  9. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    What I like about your map is that you know how to sell it. Many people see you dissecting your map, talking about the strong points and explaining why you think your map excels in certain areas, as a bad thing, but I really like it, it's a really smart move on your point. I especially like how you just added some "fun facts." I still haven't played your map so I can't give you a good rating, but I have to say you definitely know how to sell people to your map. The video, the tone of the post and the fun facts are really well pulled-off...

    I give your presentation a 5/5... XD
  10. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    thanks haruki jitsunin, thats really what I am going for, its different and by doing this it tells a lot about the map. So dont look at it the wrong way anyone, It is just a fun way to tell about the map. I dont really look at it like trying to sell it. I know its a fun map, but I did all the rest simply because I figured it would be fun too... To those that are saying anything more about how the post was put together, chill out, there is no difference in making it in a review form than in a paragraph form. Its my map, of course Im proud of the work...
  11. SamuraiChameleon

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    Map looks awesome.
  12. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I also wanted to let everyone know I am over the total object limit on the map too, the one that includes spawn points and stuff. To make it as simple as I can, If you do ever get to that point in your map. delete all the flag points, hill markers, things that the map has to have and trade them out one for one with a respawn point. Save, quit. and start up again. Now at the original placement of those objects(flag spawn/return, hill marker) in the original foundry level with be at that object. Now move those to where needed in your map. Then use the respawn points you traded out B4 to make what you would like. Trade them out to respawn points because they transfer over from one game type to another. You can then change some out for things like objects, spawn areas or more hill marks. Bam, you have an extra 20 or so items, I needed more spawn areas and spawn points.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    i love the map but that was some nice editing in your youtube video great post that will defiantly make me download
  14. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    Awesome video awesome back story awesome pics awesome post! map looks very fun and competitive and i personally think it would make a great app for guilder or mason but ... you need more posts and what not but great map !
  15. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Wow.... I can't even describe how awesome this looks. Not to mention how great the post was. 5/5 For the post itself! Hopefully the same for the map!
  16. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I did a forgethrough last night, and I'm really impressed with the layout. There have been very few maps that I have seen that give off a unique feel that's different from Foundry, and this is definitely one of them. If Bungie would have used a similar layout for their default Foundry setup, I would have been very happy. For only using about half of the main area, it seems huge. Weapon layout seems very well thought out, although I wish there were another way to reach the sniper rifle rather than depend on a teleporter. The stair/ramp in the rear of the map is truly original; I troll a lot of maps here and have never seen it's likeness posted. I liked finding the Chopper and Hammer off-map too; thanks for the easter egg.

    I'd like to ask you about your placement of respawn areas and lack of Starting Spawn Points for Slayer (at least, I think there were no Starting Spawns for Slayer; it was pretty late when I looked at it). Why did you choose not to have Starting Spawns? Even just one per team would suffice for TS. And in regards to the Respawn Areas, why only the two Neutral ones in off-base locations? I ask not to point out flaws, but because clearly a lot of thought went into the creation of the map and I'm curious to know your reasoning. I was initially put off by the lack of Flag Home/Away Respawn Areas for CTF, but I can see that you have regular Team Respawn Areas set up, and being a smaller map, shouldn't make a difference.

    I'm looking forward to playing some proper games on Tension. I think you've done an excellent job with it's creation, even though the lower part of your post comes across as conceited. So far it seems to be justified, but you might want to include what gametypes play best for your map. I'll be back once I've done some actual playing on this.
  17. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    whats up squidhands, thanks for giving it a run,

    I figured that would come up about the respawns. Well here is the thing, i wanted to change it up and let the respawns do there job, let them decide not to put this guy here because he is to close to this guy kind of thing. It changes it up instead of your team spawning almost in the same place all the time for slayer. It makes it really fun and there are enough points spread out that you cant camp them. I put some starting points in but thought about it and if I was going for something different, starting points doesn't make it different so I just took them out. I tested it out in games and it works. What is weird in a good way is that it looks large for only using some much of the map but the action is fast for the most part. As for the flag reset stuff you mentioned, you were right in your thinking. It made almost zero difference in having them because really it is a smaller map, just looks big.

    Forgethroughs are great but I incourage eveyone to play some true games on it. My friends who hate playing customs love playing on this map flag, bomb and hill. I like doing 1 sided, 2 flags is cool too. Bomb is great. When you play a few real games on it, thats when you fall in love with it. It looks cool yea what ever but does it play well. I was shocked to be honest that it just worked that well.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Interesting choice for sure with the spawns. Well, I'll certainly be testing the map out in the next few days, and when I do I'll let you know how it all went. I appreciate you telling me what plays best on here, it always helps to know what the map is intended for, as not everything can play well on any map. I like the small hill at the top of your bridge-stairs that you have set up for KOTH. A true King of the Hill, I love it.
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    This joins District Five, Kentucky Tango, Meridian, and Solaris as my list of maps that will never leave my HDD.
    Honestly, this maps exudes this atmosphere exactly of what you described in your story. I can imagine this as a real Campaign level.
  20. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    Thanks so much for that. means a lot, Im glad others like it as much as I do...

    Squidhands you see the other hill that is from rocket all the way to snipe on top. that makes that hill very interesting, jump in at rocket or take the teleport to top... Its very fun too...

    The camo is very useful in all game types, make sure not to foget about it...

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