Final Boss on Last Level You and your allies have reached this final battle ground to fight against the final boss and his henchmen. As your team rushes out you find him and his minions hopping into his Hornet and so the battle begins. Download [Map] [Gametype] Welcome to Final Boss. In this fun infection game type one player from your party will randomly spawn as the "Boss" player. That player will take off in the Hornet in the middle, while the other players must move out and find superior weapons to take down the Boss. Objective: The Heroes will have to work together to take down the Boss player. The Boss player will use his advantage as a powerful Hornet pilot to destroy the pesky intruders. Every kill as a boss gains a single point, while a kill on the boss gains ten. There is a seven minute timer for each round; if the boss is not defeated within that time he is victorious for that round. You have ONE LIFE per round. If players work together, they can bring down the Boss and claim victory themselves. The Heroes: You will all start out in the same safe house with each other. The Boss will be in his Hornet quickly so it is best to quickly split up and find the better weapons lying around the map. Some of the stronger weapons appear at start, but the most powerful ones spawn later. There is cover laid out around the playing field. You have a standard shields and damage; so standing around is not exactly safe. Take down the Boss before the timer is up or all is lost. The Boss: It is your job to destroy the intruders. Take to the skies and use the rapid machine gun fire and deadly missiles to eliminate those against you. You are a one man juggernaut, but you do have a weakness. Your "Health Bar" wont recharge over time. To take back your strength you must do damage and slowly steal your enemies shields to refill your health. Running with your tail behind your legs will only get you killed faster. Info and Tips: The game is mainly intended for 3-12 players. With more players fighting the Boss becomes easier, but also gives him/her a Henchmen or two. Henchmen are also considered alpha zombies, start with an assault rifle and brute shots, infinite ammo, and ride in the Boss' Hornet. As mentioned before, better weapons will spawn over the course of time and there is even a custom power up that will make your attack almost a definite kill on hit. Time isn't the only factor; they won't exactly be located in easy to reach areas. Oh, and don't forget, the map is elevated. Try not to fall. Honor Rules: -First to the Hornet and wants to pilot is the Boss. -The Boss and the Henchmen MUST be in the Hornet to attack. -Pretend this is a boss fight. When the timer goes out, the boss wins and the world ends... ya ta ya ta. Be a good sport and actually fight instead of flight. -Have fun! (Corny!) Preview Shots: The game begins as the the Boss takes flight while the Heroes make haste. Two players are taking fire while they rush to cover nearby. More players in the party doesn't exactly mean the Heroes have an advantage against the Boss. Meet the Henchmen. The Spartan Lazer is one of a few "Finisher" weapons that will appear on the map over time. Some appear before others, but they all require some risk to obtain. Download [Map] [Gametype] Special Thanks: -Bungie for finally making a real Forge map. -TheRoulette for helping build the map and work on the gametype -My many friends and testers such as Krazyyyy, LumberArbiter, Kusho, AxMan Damage, Foxcross and many others. Creator's Notes: Yes, I was informed of a similar gametype with almost the same exact names. I believe it was on Rat's Nest. However, I did not take inspiration from that creation. Ever since I saw the preview for Blackout before Legendary came out I thought of the idea of a Hornet rampaging around and taking out other players. It was severely dissapointing when the map was burdened by invisible walls. Thankfully my desire was recharged after seeing Sandbox was revealed. A little after Halo Wars was released I made this with my good friend The Roulette. It was only until recently that I was able to test it and work of the kinks. Well, Thats enough useless information. Hope you guys enjoy the game and give some positive feedback. Oh, and Hello again Forgehub.
As for the map, it looks creative. I can't give you a full review as I have not downloaded yet, but I intend to do so and get back to you. For now however, it looks interesting, although not revolutionary. I would suggest that next time you add more pictures so people can get a better feel for the progression of events. EDIT: Didn't see your last paragraph. Plagiarism crack=deleted.
Based on the photos, the map itself looks pretty cool. Probably took a good amount of time to get all those pieces laid out and placed. I'm not fully understanding the game type, though... Is this infection? How many zombies does the game start with? Is it set for one life or do humans respawn as zombies?
Thanks for noticing my note. And yes, its unfortunate the name was already used, but I suppose the overall general idea and name wouldn't exactly be original. If enough people find it a big deal then I will consider changing, but I would hope casual players are more concerned about having fun than judging names. Well, I'd say its as simple as one player is a super unit while the others practically start off like a normal slayer settings. Its the many versus the one. As for the amount of zombies, it is set to 25%. Thus, I suggested 3-12 players because any more players and the "Henchmen" would all be able to get a ride. 2 on 1 would be the minimum while 9 against 3 is the max. One life is correct (I'll have to mention that in the post, thanks) and after all players die or the Boss is killed a new round is started. By the way, if anyone wishes to share customs I've recently been playing often. Send a message to MetalMachanica, and I hope others have as much fun as my group has with it.