Hello peoples! I happened to stumble across this site from the bungie.net site, and do have to say its been exactly what I've been looking for. Pretty excited I stumbled across this gem. Anyways, tag's htown b4lla and it's nothing fancy. I live in houston so hence the htown and the balla part comes from my passion of basketball. I've come here in search of other forger's, as you can always learn something new from your peer's. I've forged' 3 maps personally, 2 of which have been using the foundry, and my 3rd (my pride and joy to date) is using the sandbox. Anyways, thats pretty much it about me. So happy forging! :happy:
Ya, actually I went over them in depth a few mins ago. Dont think any of them should be a problem, nothing wrong with keeping things clean. I really like the infraction system as a way to keep meaning less spam off the boards. I think im most impressed with how things are run, dedicated to helping the forgers get feedback on the maps they have put some much time in effort into. Im still cleaning up the last bits of Temple before I can post it, but i've had great feedback so far. speaking of which, I think my weakest aspect of forging is on the properly lining up of objects. Some times no matter how much time I put into something, it still doesnt line up the way I think it should. Having a 45 degree rotation option would be my most helpfull forge update.
key angles, corners walls can form 45 degree angles by positioning right, you don't need to do anything fancy, and Ramps are mostly, but not exactly 30,60,90 angles.
It's nice to have you here, enjoy our community and I hope you have a good time. We have been getting a lot of people from Bungie and they usually just spam up our forum. Please don't be a little annoying pest because we can kick you out just as fast as we have accept you. When you post in the map section, make sure you're telling the map creator what they did perfect or what they can fix or improve on. If you have any problems or concerns you can PM one of the Staff, or for a faster response you can just ask me. Have a nice time here. :]
It seems that a lot of b.net users are coming here. Anyways, welcome, and be sure to read ALL of the rules =).
But seeing as AT&T's network is down just ask me. I hardly post in these introductions so don't let me down HtownB4lla, I personally am taking you in under my wing. You're under my nice, warm, protective wing, as long as you're under there you're safe from the evils of the site. I still care for Official, but he's outside the wing, close, but outside.
Ya, b.net actually had you guys listed under some of the known forge groups. So that might be the reason for the influx. No worries from me, Im not a mindless forum troll. Thanks for the welcomes, and the ramps info never even thought about that.