Escalator When the sky isn't the limit, take it even higher A map made by xDylan1Kenobix An overview of the entire map. A view of the first two levels. Note the mancannon tube to level 4. Overshield spawns on level 3. There is also a shortcut up to level 4 on the left, can you see it? Rocket spawns on level 4. Note the mancannon exit tubes. Also on level 4 is another mancannon tube up to level 7. You can also jump on top of the tube to go to levels five and six. Sniper spawn on level 5 A view of levels 6 and 7. Note the mancannon exit tubes again. Discription - This is a map that I thought up when I heard about sandbox. I thought, I wonder if they are going to get rid of the invisible ceiling, or at least set it higher. When they did set it higher, I set my sights for the skies and tried to make the tallest map that I could. I built up the center structure of the map and then built extra ramps and tubes around the outside. It turned into a good map. The map (though not play tested too much) seems to work well with FFA Slayer. It might work for 1 sided capture the flag so I made sure this gametype works. EDIT: I have just recently fixed spawns for all gametypes that allow for smooth spawning of 8 players (I intend to submit this map for Rumble Pit). I also added Assault as a gametype (Neutral not supported). Finally, I also fixed a few items that did not spawn on start (leftovers of interlocking). Gametypes - Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, CTF, Assault Weapons: BR x3or4 Carbine x3or4 Rockets x1 (0 spare clips, 180 respawn) Sniper x1 (2 spare clips, 150 respawn) Plasma Rifle x2 Spikers x2 Magnum x1 Plasma Pistol x1 There may be more weapons but I have forgotten them Equipment: Grav Lift x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 DOWNLOAD v1.1 HERE!! If you download, please try and post films of 8 player FFA Slayer or objective games.
Hey this sounds like a cool idea for a map. For future reference when you post a map the title should only include its name. Now the map looks pretty cool. I like how you used the mulitple levels. It doesn't lok like you merged and also some of the floors are uneven creating bumps. I would fix that if your making a v2. 4/5 First Post!! lol
This map looks pretty good. The layout looks very nice and interseting. One thing though, you should take 'When the sky isn't the limit take it higher' out of your title. The thread title should only hvae the mpas name, and a moderator might warn you, but Im not completely sure. Anywyas, it doesn't seem overpowered like a lot of maps I hvae seen recently, and I like how you used multiple levels to add a new tatic to the gameplay, so many skybubble maps have just 1 level.
you know theres testers here that can help you test also this does look good for small ffas and looks big enoough for some one sided games and confused grunt that is only a motto for the map not actually part of the name you see it all the time and this does look very tall
LOOKS really cool I'm going to download this one for sure hopefully it isn't going to be one of those maps that just wast available map slots in halo 3
I seriously need testers, I want to submit this map for matchmaking and I need play tests in order to do that. Anyone have anything yet?
WOW! This map is awesome. The grav lift tubes remind me of that show futurama. My friends really like this map especially on CTF. Thanks again for posting this
If you have some 4v4 films, plz post links to them on this thread. I need them, but I have made a few changes and recommend re-downloading(the new map was upgraded on 4/15/09 so if that is the date on your version, then great!). I also need some 8 or 5 player FFA games (Slayer, Oddball and KOTH) and if you liked CTF, try some 4v4 One Bomb. Any films that you have would be greatly appreciated! I'm glad you and your friends like :-D