The Operation Market Garden was a failed attempet but it was a stratigic point in the war it was also the largest air assualt ever. EVER. So in the battle with my map if you are a paratrooper you spawn in a plane and jump out(get gametype to make it feel like you have a parachute on) or get in yourAAA turret and stop the Luffuafe from shooting you down and you try to defeat the other team you will also start with a BR and pistol. If you are German get ready 2 sniper rifles spawn at the top of your base in a bunker with a fallen oil tank and you may also go to your observation tower also get the 3 hidden rockets in the grass or your planes so get to work! Map Game Type Hve fun! :squirrel_rubberduck: The trench The hidden rockets AAA gun Bunker Can you find the invisable man? WHat how did this get here?! First Test (see watch tower in background)
The plane or whatever looks EXTREMELY poorly made. The top is crooked, the sides aren't lined up, the wings are pointing different directions, its very, very sloppy. So the map is basically Standoff but you spawn in a plane-type thing?... Phail.
What ever fix it when I get home and you have no IDEA how hard it is to get the wings (and they are supposed to be sorta crossed so it looks like it is turning to the side) on the top can be easialy fixed snd the sides maybe a little hard and im gettin some bunkers in the Germans base in V3.5
It's actually pretty damn easy... I can make you a plane that looks better than that. If your not finished with the map, don't post it. Simple as that.
you know that map is basically standoff with just a plane and 2 extra snipers. as other people have said too the plane is really poorly made. 1/5. the whole parachute idea was good though
I've seen a better take on this. And it was a floating ship in the middle of the map. Kinda like Truth & Reconciliation from Halo 1, but better.
Okay guys got it all coverd spent all mornin on it but here it is V 4.0 With german watch towers trench and sniper bunker and that chipmunk thing is the murder in the room also you guys are the only people to give me feed back on my map ( 3rd map accuatly) and so thanks one more thing when you get too the watch tower be sure to get the 3 hidden rocket lanchers ok ohh 2 more things there s an AAA gun on the plane now just jump under it and hold RB there is also 2 Lufwaffe planes (Bannches) cant spell that right so be sure too came back in the afternoon when its all set up one more thing: Please do not curse here on my post. :squirrel_rant:
I dont care if you report me you *** I will hurt you stop it. Your supposed to tell me what I should do to make it better.
No flaming and no personal attacks. But seriously people. You don't have to be asses to everyone who you encounter that you think is a "noob." Try helping a person instead of attacking them for a change.