I found this picture somewhere and have decided to use it to create a map. Can someone tell me the name of it so i could get more sourced to look at? I cant find it anywhere...
Thanks for that. Now that I watched a video with Rat Race, I realized the map i started with the picture looks nothing like the real map. oh well...
I have played halo ce a couple times, and I was never a fan of rat race to tell the truth. It was too small and packed together for me.
That's great, because it probably already has been remade. Your map could be a sucessor to Rat race, or just an entirely original map based on Rat Race.
Does anyone know if any halo2 maps were based off of ice fields? it looks familiar @spirit: Its a mess...im gonna give it up
i dont think so, but if there is anything remotely close to it it would be waterworks in halo 2. it is similar because: there is a structure in the middle, which could be thought of as the "bridge", which dominates the whole map, there are side-routes on ground level.
That is, without a shout of a doubt, rat race. Rat race rockets FTW. I hate blood gulch now, I have counted almost over 1,500 CTF games on it and I have done all there is to do. However, my favorite has to be damnation or prisoner. Both very good maps.
Man I LOVED Rat Race and noticed it right away. AS far as those Halo PC Maps- It always bothered me that they didn't include those on the xbox. I LOVED some of the maps on the PC version- especially TIMBERLANDS. I don;t have screenshots, but I will forever remember the name of it cuz I loved that map.
its an easy name to remember, it is the only one covered with timber. @amoeba: i would still play blood gulch on halo pc online, but i have halo 2 vista so i play that. for some reason i try to start playing halo 1, and then im like "wait, no BR's? **** this ****!"