How to bypass barriers?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cleric80, Apr 15, 2009.

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  1. Cleric80

    Cleric80 Ancient
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    OK sorry if this has been brought up in great detail but he only thread I saw about this didn't make a whole lot of sense to me...

    How are you guys getting past the barriers in sandbox to block off the guardians?

    I'm having a small issue where 2 spots on a map is still accessible by the guardians tower o' death... on this map I can go ANYWHERE!!! but these 2 spots.

    Another map I have has the guardians blocked off perfectly (no random dead zones) but I can't get out of the sky bubble...

    PLZ help me!!! and feel free to spell it out like I'm an idiot... dumb it down as much as possible for me.

    Thank you!
  2. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Well to get out of the skybubble just go against the wall/roof/floor and just spawn a teleporter or something and attempt to push it through until it pops out then save and quit. To block the guardians just overload map, then geomerge/ put somehting into the tower, like a pillar.
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    the main part is overloading the map to get rid of the lasers. Click for guide here! Once you have done that you can fly out and save and quit an object over the towers. If you are looking for a canvas with the towers already blocked, one can be found here!

    ~Good Forging~
  4. Cleric80

    Cleric80 Ancient
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    the guardians are already blocked thankfully... the creator of the map just didn't leave a way out of the barriers for me.

    I'll go play around a bit & see if I can get a teleporter to slip out... do i have to have another player holding a platform or something for it to sit on?

    or do I save/quit while still holding it in midair?
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Here's a map that has the guardians blocked off very good and extra space in the skybubble. (This might've been the map you had a problem with but....)

    Super Linkage!
  6. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    The skybubble floor isn't entirely solid; it has some bugs. If you try a few times, eventually the teleporter will be on the other side of the grid. Save and quit it then.
  7. Cleric80

    Cleric80 Ancient
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    Thanks for the help everyone... I managed to get far enough out to the tower in the map I already had everything built on to throw up a few double walls to block the sides on the tower that was giving me trouble.

    much appreciated!!!
  8. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Another way to get out of barriers is to turret glitch. You place a Machine Gun Turret, get a partner to use it, you pick up the turret with your partner on it, push them through the barrier, and then tell them to get off. You can just have them make a teleporter or a Spawn Point then kill yourself or start new round.

    Considering you have received your answer I'm off to request a lock. :lock:
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