Guys, I have the problem that I can not merge anything together on Sandbox. Is it only for me or what? I saw another person talking that they have the same problem.... And if anyone could help out, that would be great.
Are you talking about interlocking. When you say merge objects together it sounds like you mean interlocking. Interlocking is when you connect to objects to make them smooth and to fill in gaps that would otherwise be impossible. Merging is when you force another object into the ground to change height and make it smoother. I am not sure why you can't interlock objects together. Please give us a description of this problem and possibly quote the person who had this same question. I know for a fact that merging doesn't work in the crypt until somebody finds a way to bypass this.
Are you trying to interlock with the items off of original Sandbox? Those usually don't work when trying to interlock. It's just a bug.
Sorry for not saying any more details, but it is interlocking objects together. Well when I get an object and put it on to not start at start (i put it on like 60 sec's) and when I come to the spot, the object is still there, just that I can not control it. (the hand does not show up) I had this on foundry also, but just of the first round of the game this is for the whole time no matter how many times I start a new round.
if you are talking about the default items, they are bugged. they will appear to be there when they are not supposed to be there. but if you wait 30 seconds, they will appear. also, you have to save and quit for them to stay in the same place.
That is weird. I have never heard of anything like that before. It isn't so much a problem with interlocking but when you set the object to not spawn at start it doesn't allow you to pick it up right? try waiting for 60 seconds and then try it. it may help I have never heard of this kind of problem. Make sure you start a new round before you try it though. If it still doesn't work give me specifics. Object, what tier is it in, etc.
Please read before you do anything. explained everything on top. and I dont have the problem that they do not appear, but that they are still there....
Well I'm half on this site half doing my HW so when I'm done I will turn on the Xbox and can see if it is fixed now.... But Will let you know if it is not.
yes i know, i just wasnt sure what the problem was when i started writing it. now that i have read it, i can say that i havnt heard of that before. ive just heard of that problem with the default objects. the only thing i an think of is that the map you are using got bugged. if you are using a downloaded canvas or something, try default sandbox and see if it still happens. if you are using default sandbox, try downloading a map and trying on that map. if it still happens, i dont what to tell you, ive never heard of this problem so i dont really know how to fix it.
i think I was using a bad map or something, since I tried it with a money glitched map couple of mins ago and it worked well. Thanks For trying to help me out, and Happy forging.
I know what you mean, that happens to me with the original items, and it has happened to me with an item from the list. I'm not quite sure what to do for your case, but does anyone know how to Geo-Merge on Sandbox?? I don't know how to do it since there aren't any doors D:
exactly how you would do it with doors, except you have to actually interlock an object in place of the auto interlocking doors.
I actually think this has happened to me. I was merging things in the Skybox when it happened. I forget what I did to fix it exactly, although try starting another new round. If that doesn't work, then try saving and quitting, then going back in.
I did not try yet, but just letting you know teleporters work. ( but they just go down a little) but it can be what you need. Also On foundry window panels worked the same, just every one did the doors. If you want we can try it out on a blank sand box? Let me know.
If nobody has said this yet, don't save and quit until all of the objects on your map have spawned. If you don't, you can't force spawn them or pick them up. They're permanent.