Sky Bubble Frustration

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Coyote032, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Coyote032

    Coyote032 Ancient
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    Hello Forgehubbers, I have a question for you. This deals with Double Walls and the Skybubble. I am working on a map but the only thing holding me back from posting is the floor. I am making the floor out of Double Walls, or Wall Doubles, whatever you wish to call them. After forgeing over and over making the floor perfectly flat in Forge, I go into customs to play with my friends and the floor is really messed up. Its very bumpy and not smooth at all. Does anyone have ANY suggestions or any tutorials I can follow to fix this.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Well it's some sort of glitch with Sandbox. There is no way to prevent the walls from tilting, however, there is a way to minimize the bumps. It takes a while, but its definitely worth the work. A wall will randomly tilt one way after you save and quit, so your goal is to reposition the walls until each low part of the wall matches the low part of another wall, and the high part of the wall matches the other high part of a wall. This should effectively remove large bumps from the map.
  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    There was a tutorial... I just looked for like 5 minutes and couldn't find it, but it looked to me like it was a bit confusing and not really worth it... go look around if you really want it.
  4. Coyote032

    Coyote032 Ancient
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    Okay, thank you for the tip. I will try my best to get it fixed. I have the patience to do such a long task, but I don't have the time right now. Hope to get it up soon though.
  5. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Disconnect your ethernet cable or whatever connects you to XBL.
    Haven't tried it myself, but apparantly that works.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This was a rumor that I don't think reflects reality. It works inconsistently at best, even according to the person who first came up with the idea - he got it to work one time and then not the next. So who knows.

    I don't think this bug is limited to Sandbox - I've seen weird misalignment of things I know were straight in Foundry as well. I suspect it's a problem with the underlying Forge engine. If we're really lucky Bungie will identify the problem and patch it, but I'm not holding my breath for such a small issue in a very mature game. Some Bungie people do know about it, though; they were posting in a thread about this subject on
  7. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    I noticed this while making my own map..and this little annoyance creates more then a few headaches. Eventually I just said "f"-it and went on....the floor didn't turn out too bad....but there are still some spots where grenades might go through the floor.
  8. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    This has really screwed me over today. I can't really use the tip above either because I am trying to merge everything together. So until this problem is fixed, my map is in the dark :(.
  9. Coyote032

    Coyote032 Ancient
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    If I figure a way to fix mine, I will share for all of you to try. Thanks for all the feedback.
  10. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Hey, can't someone make a skybubble map, with only a flat floor?
    Could take a while, but it'd really help the community, I guess.

    Just a big square out of double walls, you can delete the ones you don't need after all.

    On the other hand, I don't know.
    Just an idea I had.
  11. UnfixedSNIPERJ

    UnfixedSNIPERJ Ancient
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    Tried that, doesn't work.

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