Alright, I realize this is NOT the right place to put this (probably), but I don't know where else to go, and it's pretty much finished... This is my first map forged from scratch, really first map forged at all, and the merging and interlocking is kind of sloppy- sorry. The basic concept is not really original, it is a pretty standard zombies map, but it's pretty fun, when it even works. The idea is that there is a three story house in the middle of the sky (don't ask me how it got there) where the humans spawn, and there are two platforms on either side of the house, where the zombies spawn. The zombies have full camo, energy swords, and no shields. The humans have full shields, no radar, and start out with only magnums with very limited ammo. There is shallow clip magnum and SMG ammo on the roof, and only one BR with 120 sec. spawn time in the house, along with an overshield. There is a grav lift from the second floor to the roof (only way up). The man cannons on the zombie platforms don't appear for 10 seconds, giving humans enough time to run to the top and (hopefully) make it back down. The humans are supposed to stock up on ammo and try to camp at the bottom, funnelling the zombies down, at least until they run out of ammo and have to go to the top again. At least, that's how it's supposed to play. I haven't been able to test it really at all yet. View from above Weapons, weapons. Up the chimney... Second floor Second floor, alternate angle Grav lift Overshield (moniter not included) The one BR Zombie spawn And here is the actual map: : Halo 3 File Details Game Variant : House Raid THE GLITCH: It's probably something stupid that I did somewhere, but for some reason, half the time a new round, or game, starts, half of the people will spawn on the bottom of the map (regular sandbox) instead of at the spawn points in the sky bubble. I think it's because of the default spawner, but I don't know why the spawn points I placed don't override that. Any help? Again, sorry for posting an incomplete map. P.S. If you made it through my imposing wall of text, Thank You!
save your pictures for your recent screenshots from then make a photobucket account and upload the pictures you want. then copy the IMG code and paste.
like you mentioned it is preety basic but you could upgrade it to a small town on the floor of sandbox with a few houses to hide in and 2-3 entrances to each house the very limited ammo is a good idea but i think if you step it up a bit you could get alot of downloads 3.5/5 good try, keep forging
I'm taking your advice and making a v2, it already has a 'garage' with a shotgun that the humans can get to after a delayed bridge spawns... but I am still having the spawn glitch problem, and I still have no idea why it is happening. I might just make kill balls on the floor of Sandbox so that people can just kill themselves if they spawn down there, if I can't find a better solution :/
Make sure that you change the gametype to Infection in Forge, and make sure the starting points are deleted. If that doesn't fix it, then try deleting all the starting points in all the gametypes. If that doesn't fix it, then there's a problem that I can't understand.