Sandbox Death Pit v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Manoukian1414, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Death Pit v2
    Created by: Manoukian1414

    Recommended Gametype: Pit Hammers (The download link for this is below)
    Recommended Players: 4-8

    Death Pit v2
    Pit Hammers

    **All of the information below is only true if your playing with the Pit Hammers game varient. Download link above.**

    **If there is anything you like or don't like just post in the comments below and I'll try to fix it.**

    **I have had some comments about me stealing this map, I have not stolen this map, this is my map. Here is the link to the original map, Death Pit. As you can see both posts were made by Manoukian1414, which is me.

    Font: Old Information
    Font: New Information

    Death Pit
    Death Pit might not sound like a mini game map at first, but I assure you it is. The map is a symmetrical map with two bases on each side. In the center is a small arena and in the center of that is a kill ball. The object of the game is to use gravity hammers or 7-wood to knock your opponent either off the map, assassinate them, or the most fun, knock them into the kill ball. Each base has a one-way tunnel (I'll explain why it's one-way later) that can be used to gain an advantage on your opponent in the arena. Each base has 4 hammers, but since you spawn with a gravity hammer they're just there for asthetic purposes. (I was also thinking of putting golf clubs instead of hammers so player can choose which one they want to use.)

    Pit Hammers
    Pit Hammers is a gamtype where each player starts off with a gravity hammer. There are no shield but the players can be killed eitther by being thrown off the map, into the kill ball, or assassinated. The speed has been changed to 150% and gravity is 200% to make it harder to launch yourself up onto the walls.

    Some Updates:
    - I have changed the layout of the Pit itself. Now it is a square shape instead of a, i don't even know what it was before.
    - The spawn points have been fixed so red team doesn't spawn in blue base. On rare occasions this still happens.
    - I have tryed my best to make the floor as flat as possible, but there are still a few bumps.
    - The walk way has now obelisks surrounding it instead of just barriers.
    - The gravity hammers in the base have now been changed to 7-wood, so now you have the option to change for whichever weapon you want.
    - The bases are the same, except for the 7-wood in each base, so I'm not going to show a picture of the bases.

    Now for some pics:

    Full Map:
    This is the full map as you can see there is a the two bases, the tunnels on the side, and the arena in the center.

    Blue Walkway:
    This is the blue walkway and the base in the background. The obelisks are the new addition.

    Red Walkway:
    Same as the blue walkway.

    The Pit:
    The new Pit. You can see its now square shape, except for the corners which I put in to try to remove camping. Hopefully it works.

    The 7-Wood:
    The new 7-wood which takes the place of the old gravity hammers.

    Action Shots:

    -The map has a couple of flaws, but they're just minor gaps between some of the pieces.

    Death Pit v2
    Pit Hammers
    #1 Manoukian1414, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  2. Smart Hamster

    Smart Hamster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    links havent worked,
    #2 Smart Hamster, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  3. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The links work fine for me
  4. Smart Hamster

    Smart Hamster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    aaghh, they work now :O
    must have been my laggy browser :(
  5. Shadow Lurker

    Shadow Lurker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have i seen this before? Like three weeks ago? If so, what are the changes?
  6. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude I've seen this map did you steal it? Cause thats not cool dude.
  7. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes you have seen this before, this one is just a little bit updated. The arena/pit is actually larger, the walkway from the base to the arena/pit has been changed, and the gravity hammers have been replaced with 7-wood. Also I have have fixed almost all of the bumps in the floor and the spawn points have been fixed so that red's don't spawn in blue base and vice versa.

    Yes you have seen this map before, and no I didn't steal the idea. The original Death Pit was my idea. Here's a link to the original Death Pit:
    As you can see it's my map.
    #7 Manoukian1414, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009

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