RE5 or Left 4 Dead?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iRaynne, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I know this is a little late,
    but I'm having a couple friends over tonight (around 6), and I need a game that's not Halo 3 or CoD to entertain us. I was thinking either RE5 or Left 4 Dead, but I'm open to any other suggestions.
    Any ideas/arguments?
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I'd say RE5 definitely. The gameplay causes you to sit on the edge of the couch and for me standing up. The graphics are amazing, way better the L4D. You have epic boos battles that are even exciting when you're watching them, which you won't get in L4D. The weapon selection is phenomenal, you can upgrade there's around 35 weapons you can choose from, another you won't get from L4D, there's like a max of 10 weapons with no upgrades. L4D gets really repetitive and will get boring within like 3 hours of playing, RE5 had boss battles about every two levels. Trust me if you get L4D over RE5 you'll be very disappointed and will lose out on one of the greatest games up to date. You go from running away from a crazy guy with a chainsaw to filling zombies full of lead as they're riding dirt bikes to swimming in a lake with alligators.

  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    You should include that you can't move while shooting in RE5, and really that's the only bad thing about it. I haven't tried multiplayer but upon beating the game you unlock a mode called Mercenaries (in RE5) and it is great fun. It's you and your friend in a race against the clock to kill as many zombies as possible. Also if you liked Army of Two you'd like this one, it is really based off of co-op.

    Overall I would suggest that you get RE5, but I personally have not tried Left 4 Dead...
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    xbox > re5
    PC > l4d
  5. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    re5 is far better then l4d i felt that l4d had bad multiplayer dated graphics and bad gameplay there just wasnt much ood about l4d i know people are gonna hate for that ut someone had to say it
  6. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    So, instead of doing what everyone else is doing, I'll actually help you. If you've got more than one friend coming over, I suggest L4D because you can have everyone play. Although if you have Versus mode for RE5, then you can have 4 people at maximum play. Also, do you want something that competitive, a game where you kill each other? Or do you want to work with each other to reach a goal? It depends on many different variables.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    First of all, as far as I know each game only allows two people on the same console to play at a time. I know it is like this in L4D, but I could be wrong about RE5. I would recommend L4D for a few reasons.

    1. L4D is not story-driven. Nobody at your house is going to want to watch RE5's cutscenes, and L4D instantly drops you into the action.
    2. L4D is much more casual and makes for funny moments when playing with friends.
    3. If you did want to play against other people on RE5, you would have to purchase the DLC, and even then I'm pretty sure that only two could play at a time.

    Overall, I would say L4D because it is a much more casual game and well suited for parties.

    RE5 is a great game, but imo, it would be foolish to buy/rent it for a party.
  8. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    RE5 is more hardcore and will last a LOT longer than L4D, but L4D has the fact that you can play as the ZOMBIES too!
    Rent them both before you make your decision, in my opinion because they are both great.
  9. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    If you can system link, I'd say L4D, otherwise it's really part of what you prefer.
    Resident Evil 5 is not what a resident evil should be - it's more combat/action driven than its predecessors. Some think that's a good thing, others hate it.
    Still, the multiplayer (co-op, versus is online) is not quite what I believe you're after. It'll require teamwork and is boring to watch for the people that aren't playing, because it's mainly hit & run, really. Run away from the zombies, shoot while they slowly come for you, run away again, shoot, run away again, shoot, run away again, shoot...

    Left 4 Dead, on the other hand, has less content, but a higher replay value*. And it's a whole lot funnier and action driven - heck even scarier, although I wouldn't call it a horror game.
    *because of the A.I. directors.
    Besides, if there's 4 of you, you can play in roll-call kind of way. Every time you reach a safehouse or die, you switch.
    And if you have XBL, you can play online versus which doubles the total replay value.
    #9 Spirit798, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I absolutely love RE5, but I fail to see how you think it would last longer. After beating the campaign, there are two things left you can do: Beat it on a harder difficulty, or play Mercenaries. Beating it on harder difficulties will still only lengthen the play time a short while, especially after unlocking weapons with infinite ammo. Mercenaries mode is fun, and I could see how some people could play it endlessly. However, in my playthrough I had almost no urge to go back and play a map after I had already acquired the character gained from it.

    L4D has the AI director that makes sure each playthrough feels different than the time before. Enemies, weapons, health, and other items almost never spawn in the same place twice, and since there are no unlockables, you never truly feel like you are done with any one of the levels, and imo that lengthens how long I would play a game.

    I think that Turbulence really needs to specify if he is buying one of these games, or renting it for the night. If it's a rent, there is no doubt in my mind that L4D is the better choice. If you are buying, you need to give it thought.
  11. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    RE5 is a great game, but if you're looking for a game with friends, get L4D. It's an extremely fun game, and not that driven towards the storyline and cut scenes, which nobody is gonna care about when you have a lot of friends over.
  12. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Lol im a ****** I forgot the obvious answer: both.
  13. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    While i'd say L4D will be more fun with all of your friends over, imo, RE5 is a better game. I don't feel like explaining because i have done so in another 're5 vs l4d' thread. Basically, they are both fun, and you should hopefully find a way to buy both.

    Also, just a little question. Keep in mind that i like both games. Do you guys really think the AI director changes up things enough for a player to have an incentive to play the same level over and over again?
    #13 LOCK.xcf, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    RE5 is a basically a movie in my eyes. It seems like most of the kiddies in here like L4D because there isn't any cutscenes which I think make a game. I actually had a really fun time watching my little brother and his friend play the game, except when they died. :p

    I've played both and I personally loved RE5 because over all it has so much to do.

    Resident Evil 5 opposed to Left 4 Dead
    +Stunning Graphics
    +Awesome Story
    +Story Mode levels are not repetitive
    +Multiplayer levels are not repetitive
    +Competitive play against RLP
    +Loads of weapons
    +Enjoying to players and spectators
    -Cant play with more then one person ONLINE (which you can't do anyway because you want your friends to play and the ones sitting out to)
  15. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'd recommend L4D for just a party and a rent. Since I'm not so sure on RE5. Though I haven't played the full game myself, I can tell you for sure L4D is great for parties and just casual games. RE5 is a bit different, plus, people will get bored of cutscenes and slow gameplay.
  16. Killer Tangerine

    Senior Member

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    Ugh. Resident Evil 5 is a crap fest compared to RE4. I was close to crying while I some how managed to make it through the first couple of levels of RE5.

    Plus, a couple of friends you say? Left 4 Dead is a perfect party game, while RE5 is more of an over-live co-op game. I'd go with L4D, and you should to before you are smacked in the face by RE5's utterly suckish gameplay and satisfaction.
  17. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    With the new dlc, you can play mercs with up to 4 people.
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Can you play with four people on the same console?

    I don't think you can, but I could be wrong.

    Oh, also, on your discussion of the AI director changing things up, I personally feel that it does. It isn't that it changes the gameplay at all, but it creates new scenarios. Every game has those moments where something ludicrous happens that is just out of the ordinary. L4Ds AI director offers many more of these moments where something unexpected happens because it offers a change in the way you play that certain level everytime you play it, or atleast the majority of the times you play it.

    That's how I feel, although I'm sure some people would get bored and feel they are doing the same thing everytime, which essentially you are. It simply changes the way things happen on your way to the saferoom.
    #18 Shatakai, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Dude there has already been a thread like this. It's even mine. LOL.

    But just to participate, I'd say L4D. The game gives so many chills and so many fun times especially if you are playing with your friends.

    You will experience an endless feeling of excitement including your friends too. Great game. Great fun.

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