My top ten 1.Halo CE 2.Shadowrun 3.Halo 2 4.FF 7 5.Halo 3 6.Gow 1 7.Pokemon R/B/Y 8.DMC 3 9.Smash Bros Melee 10.Fallout 3
1 being the best 1. Halo 3 (360) 2. Rock Band 2 (360) 3. Kirby Air Ride (GC) 4. Call of Duty WaW (Not CoD 4) (360) 5. Burnout Takedown (PS2) 6. N+ (PSP) 7. Destroy All Humans (Xbox) 8. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC) 9. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire (GBA) 10. Mario Kart (DS)
Seeing cod4 on half the lists here both sickens me and makes me laugh. Though most of you aren't old enough to really appreciate anything past this generation, CoD4 and CoD5 would not rank on even the top 50 games list, let alone top ten. I can't really form a good list, but there are very few games from this gen that would deserve to make a top ten. The only real notable ones would be: Halo3 Bioshock ES4: Oblivion MGS4 Honestly, you are forming lists without games like super mario world, and FFIX. PD and Goldeneye are 10x the shooters CoD4 and CoD5 can ever hope to become. Most of you are too young to know anything other than shooters, but there was a time when video games were actually good. It's been a life long hobby, and I've tracked down many classics. May sound like I'm a bit ridiculous, saying CoD4 is one of the best games ever is like saying 50 cent is one of the best musicians. Just because it's popular, doesn't mean it's good.
No order just a list . 1. Golden Eye N64 2. Halo 3 3.Gears of War 2 4.Super Smash Bros Melee 5.Halo 1 6.Pong 7.GTA IV 8. Prince of Persia 9.Unreal tournoment III 10. StarCraft 11. Portal still alive 12. Call of Duty 4 13. Medal of Honor Airborn 14.Mario Cart N64 hunt super nintendo All orriginal and very popular and very well known games everyone has played one of these franchises :].
As I see it, you enjoy games more when you are younger. Not just games but other things too. At a younger age your standards are pretty low but are risen each game played, so if you started playing goldeneye at 10, 10 year olds will like CoD4 the same way you did goldeneye. I used to love every game I played on the PS1 and now I'm bored to death with all of them, even some of my old ones. Back then I can play the same game for years but now just months.
Lol I own every system except a NES, a Dreamcast and a PSP (excluding uber fail things like saturns). It hasn't been 5 or 7 years since I've played PD, it's been a few months. You make a valuable point, but not when it comes to classics, to art. Cod..not art. Cod is a profit scam.
Here is my top ten list 1. Pokemon series. 2. command and conquer 3. Donkey kong land 2 4. Super mario world (super nintendo) 5. Mario cart series 6. super smash bros 7. Goldeneye 8. Age of empire series 9. counter strike 10. halo series (its left a longing impression on people like other top games have) i could probably make a better one if I thought about it for a while but since a concussion has happened to me, I don't remember some great games.
CoD 4 sucks. I don't even know why anyone would like that game. If someone starts shooting you without you knowing they're there, you have no time to turn around and fight back cuz you're already dead.
I agree with chrstphrbrnnn, I do really like cod4 and I do think it deserves a high rank but it isn't the best ever made. When I was younger, my favoruite games were mario,mario kart, donkey kong ( yes, I loved it), Halo 1 and 2, and 007 Golden Eye was my faovrite, so no, I don't think that cod4 is a top 10 game
That amused me. Haha, and I agree cod is not top ten worthy. The only reason I have halo as number ten is because that its not necessarily better than others, but its gonna and already has left a longing impression. When older people think of this gen video games, a lot think of halo.
i agree with alot of your games but this is mine 1. ffx 2. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time ( how the hall was that not in but winwaker was) 3. ffvii 4.Legend of zelda Twilight princess 5. super smash bros 6.Kingdom hearts 2 7Super Mario 64 8. mario galaxy 9.Halo 2 10. Halo 3 11. Gears of war 2
1. Halo 3 2. Halo Wars 3. Halo 2 4. Halo Combat Evolved 5. Fallout 3 6. Star Wars Battlefront 2 7. Star Wars Battlefront 8. Left 4 Dead 9. Super Smash Brawl 10. Gears of War 2 11. Gears of War 12. Cod WaW 13. Cod4 MW 14. Cod2 15. Cod3
This is all my opinion, and may not reflect on others. 15. Mirrors Edge 14. Halo series 13. LOTR: Conquest 12. Rock Band (both) 11. Assassins Creed 10. Pokemon Stadium 9. The Whole Legend of Zelda series 8. God of War series 7. Star Wars Battlefront Series 6. Saints Row series 5. Pokemon Series 4. Fable Series 3. Mass Effect 2. Neverwinter Nights 1. Elder Scrolls Series
1.) Halo: Combat Evolved 2.) Super Mario Kart Wii 3.) Halo 3 4.) Halo 2 5.) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 6.) Half-Life 2 7.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 8.) Grand Theft Auto IV 9.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl 10.) Resident Evil 4 11.) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 12.) Call of Duty: World at War 13.) Gears of War 2 14.) Left 4 Dead 15.) Mass Effect