Sandbox DE_dust2 remake

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by z3hr, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. z3hr

    z3hr Ancient
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    This map is a remake of the most competitive, famous map from counter strike, dust2. For those of you who are not familiar with the map or game, it is a one-bomb, two-bombsite map (asymmetrical) where the defenders spawn close to both of the bombsites. It is pretty much a solid remake except for a few height/leveling issues with forge. For example, i had to raise short A on a ramp to give it the right effect. Also, B tunnels is only one level high. Other than that, it is basically the same old dust2 only halofied!

    GAMETYPE: Best with with 8-10 players.

    As far as the gametype goes, the players all have 90% damage resistance, 150% gravity, and no shield recharge in order to make it feel more like counter strike. The games are round based with no respawns. The attackers spawn next to the bomb and they have one minute and thirty seconds to plant the bomb at one of the two bomb sites or else they lose. This is because the rounds are only two minutes long each and the bomb fuse is thirty seconds. Plant and diffusal each take five seconds. At each spawn there are five weapons: Sniper Rifle, Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle, SMG, and Mauler. The idea is that everyone on the team will grab a different weapon in order to make the game more dynamic. The respawns are longer than the round itself instead of only having one life because I didn't want the round to end just because a whole team is dead. For example, if the attackers plant the bomb, then the defenders kill them, the round would normally end; but with these settings, the round does not end and the bomb still has a chance to go off if the defenders do not diffuse it in time. This game is a series of ten rounds and the only way to get a point is with a successful bomb detonation. This is a strategical gametype that is meant to be played competitively.

    Here are some pictures from the map

    Map Overview


    You might notice some empty space and blocked off areas in this map overview; this is how it is in the real dust2, and it is necessary as well in the halo version. I have made sure that you cannot enter any of these areas, partially with heightened gravity. The overall shape of the map is exactly the same as the counter strike version.





    A Bombsite


    Long A


    Short A


    B Bombsite


    Map link : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype : Halo 3 File Details

    Im not sure if this is how you are supposed to do it but these links lead right to the map and gametype which are downloadable.

    My gamertag: z3hr

    Add me if you like the map because I would love to play it with you, and I do not have many friends who play custom games. Enjoy!
    #1 z3hr, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  2. sparten57

    sparten57 Ancient
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    Hey this map looks really awesome! ive never played counter strike so i cant compare to the map but it still looks really awesome also couldnt one just grenade jump out of the map? i dont think 150 gravity would stop them but it might the map always looks smaller than it really is so i dont knwo for sure i will download and try it out though good job!
    #2 sparten57, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  3. V

    V Ancient
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    ^^Reported for spam. And ignorant spam at that, buddy.
    On topic, I'll be psyched to see once the map looks like once you get your pictures up. Counterstrike was a very fun game and I hope you do the map justice. Another way to get pics is to go to and enter your gamertag. In a few minutes, the site will have compiled every screenshot you've taken into one big gallery. Copy and paste the IMG tags into this thread and voila! It's quite magical really.
    #3 V, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  4. Big and Firm

    Big and Firm Ancient
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    Yo dude the map looks good but the pics are broken reposte it wen you fix the pic problem thin I'll download it
  5. z3hr

    z3hr Ancient
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    Hey guys thanks for the help on how to fix the pictures (it's my first post). Well, as far as I can see the pictures are up and working so feel free to check out my map!
  6. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    How is that spam? He spoke his opinion and was asking legitimate questions about the gameplay.
  7. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    But anyway, The map design is great, very true to the original. The problem is that the forging looks very messy. 2.7/5
  8. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    First off, I played Counterstike (specifically Source) for months, garnering playtime that rivals that of shut-ins. I played nearly exclusively on a zombie server I ran and a small gun-game server I loved, and as such gained the skills (quick aiming, etc) necessary to succeed in playing regular CSS...and the only map I ever really played...was DeDust2...the map layout is AMAZING...I loved it so much...which is why I must say, I love you for bringing it to Halo.

    Now, thats not to say it doesnt have its faults. I'm judging by inspection here (which is why the intro was necessary as not to sound like some random noob) so don't get angry if its not true (i was so excited, I decided to comment prior to actually playing)

    • The T spawn seems scrunched, like really really compact. Granted, due to the size of the crypt (and I know you decided to go here due to the enclosement, smart choice) but I can't tell how exactly that would help/hurt gameplay.
    • There is no slope down the main corridor (down straight from T spawn) to the T-intersection where you can go to bombplant A or B. That slope is essential to give the T's a forward push advantage, as snipers usually camp the other side of that door and pick off nubs as they run through.
    • I like that you kept the incline, box from T spawn to B...was about to talk about that, but it looks faithful. nice job.
    • However, the use of the tubes worries me, you should've had enough materials to keep that dark room (just before B) in tact. Once again, you seem to have negated the verticality of the map, by scrapping the staircase that leads into the main/middle path and ends right next to the door. That place is really important for shotgunners and quick assault players.
    • Bomb Plant B looks really good btw. Not entirely faithful, but it does the job quite well from what I can see.
    • Bomb Plant A looks as faithful as you can get without the vertical aspect of the map (should be at least a double box above, but you dont have the hill area, nor the under short-A tunnel section/area where CTs normally spawn)
    • Just read your gametype stuff. Must say I'm impressed. I was going to suggest something similar, but it seems you've got it down. Especially the spawn-wep thing...nice
    Anywho, overall it looks like its as faithful as you can get in the crypt. However, I still need to play it to see if that respect is good as well.

    If you ever make a V2, I'd like to help with construction, or at least consultation, to make it as humanly faithful as possible.

    good job dude.
  9. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Alright, before i got my X-Box 360 (about 4 months ago) all i played was CSS and this was my favorite map. I must say that this really is a terrific recreation of dust 2. Both A and B bomb sites are near perfect to what they are on CSS, short A really caught my attention as wow, that is exactly alike. CT spawn also looks good. I also liked the B tunnels. This map is actually perfectly designed to dust 2. (it is just a little messy, fix that and this map could be quite amazing.)
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I demand the V2 Sarge collab!
  11. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    i like the general layout of the map, but the forging is kindof messy in someplaces (like picture 1). Try to interlock a little bit next time 3/5

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