Welcome to Condemnation (a remake of Damnation) This map was made as close as possible to the orginal as i could make it, and what the forge budget would allow. at this time only slayer gametypes are allowed, im working on fixing that but ive passed the object limit. Link to Download: condemnation thanks for downloading!
Wow man looks almost just like the one from Halo, SICK!! you did a great job man, keep up the good work. you have any other maps you made??
That's a pretty accurate remake of Damnation. Is this, by any chance, an entry for the Forgotten Treasures Contest? I would like to see a V2 of this that includes some advanced forge techniques, such as interlocking. I understand that it is not completely necessary, but it makes the map look a helluva lot nicer. You really hit the Damnation feeling hard, in a way that a lot of forgers might not have been able to do. Overall this gets a 4/5, but try using interlocking and I will give it a 5/5!
ill take a look at interlocking, ive entered it into the forgotten treasures contest but i may pull the entry and replace it if i can free up some room in the budget.
This is strictly from the pictures, but it looks like the area up top where there are 3 thick walls/pillars where I believe the shotgun used to spawn in the original- and it looks like there is no wall to keep you from falling off? Is that the area I'm looking at? There were already so many areas of peril to fall off from on this map to have to worry about it there if that's the case. I want to download this to check it out- but my queue is full right now. I'll come back later to get it.
Ooooooooohhh, now is see. It's just that i bought Halo Combat Evolved in like 2 months before Halo 2, but i reconise it. I guess it's an acurate remake and i like the map anyways. Even if it's a remake. A 4/5 for this. Looks good.
This is something I just have to see. This was one of my favourite maps in Halo CE. Just by seeing the overshield on that first screen, in that particular place I knew I did the right thing entering this thread. I'll check it out as soon as I get a chance.