Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Prodigious 7k, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    The MONGOOSE IN A on BARREL CRAQ VM series started long ago when i was experementing with ideas for maps. As you can see i am on version 9. this is because each time i fixed a part of the map or added a jump i counted it as a new version and in those other attempts i have perfected my old map.

    Now, the name. You may be wondering why it has such a long and weird name. Well that story is too long for me to explain without you getting extremely bored.

    The actual game has always got good feedback but i was never happy with the map until this version.

    At a glance the game looks like a badly made jump park (these jumps are to add an extra level of excitement to the map) with the humans spawning near mongooses.


    But there is a twist, after 10 seconds a zombie is released and the game begins. The zombies have to shoot the people in mongooses from towers with rocket launchers and brute shots.


    There are also pieces of scenery like crates and wire spools on the same level as the zombies which, when shot down act as obsticles.


    Extra info:
    -There is a super-awesome man cannon in the middle of the map.
    -There are a lot of people claiming they have made this map and that i did not make the original for this, they lie. I (Prodigious 7k) made this version and every other before, including the original.
    -If you are the only zombie and people are hiding under you're platform, move backwards into the teleporter to change platform.
    -The zombie cages are at the top of the map so they cannot jump out.
    -Zombies, do'nt touch the pipe.
    -This game is INSANELY addictive so please download.

    Download the gametype from here

    Download the map from here

    If you are having trouble downloading from those links try Downloading "MONGOOSE IN A" and "BARREL CRAQ VM9" from my file share: : Halo 3 File Share

    If anyone needs and tips or help contact me via Xbox Live, my gamertag is "Prodigious 7k".

    Ihave recently posted a sequal on sandbox click here to see it.
    #1 Prodigious 7k, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. Necros 6

    Necros 6 Ancient
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    Meh it's not that original. no offence but i'm getting a serious case of déja vu.but ok none the less 6/10
  3. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    How is this not original? Show me a similar map, that's not made by me.
    #3 Prodigious 7k, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    well its kinda hard to find a similer map made by you because right here(link is up XD) it says this is your 2nd actual map posted her and it also says that instead of searching for a way to post pictures either through peoples sigs or their threads, you asked a questions. i also say bullshit on you feedback seeing as this it your 7th post and 2nd map.
    as for the map itself it looks very unoriginal and could easily be broken by anybody whom has the sense to jump while they are the zombie.
    #4 pinohkio, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  5. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    what are you on about? Theres not anything on that link. if you download the map you would realise that the zombie cages are at the top of the map so it is impossible to jump. i hate it when people comment without trying it.
    #5 Prodigious 7k, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  6. Tully13

    Tully13 Ancient
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    Brilliant minigame wrth a dl evry 1 i dnt see how its nt original at all its the only thing i have played like this. Recomended to all if u love driving around crazily on a mongoose.

    HI PROD!!!!!!!!!! :)
  7. gotrek222

    gotrek222 Ancient
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    he didnt copy anyone i was there with him when he was coming up with ideas

    and the map cant be broken we were making it and he corrected it sooo try it before you judge
  8. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    It actually does look very original. However, it does not seem like a map that I would download. Sure it sounds fun, but it doesn't LOOK good. Of course it would be hard to make something that looked good on a map like that in foundry, so may I recommend remaking it on sandbox?
  9. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    This is so obvious that you made a new account just to back yourself up.
  10. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    i did make a reamake on sandbox but it was jnot as good and looks do'nt affect the gameplay so i thought i would just stick to this version. and A hobo, i only have 1 account, gotrek was there when i was making the original.
  11. gotrek222

    gotrek222 Ancient
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    add my gamertag if you dont believe me then o iReCoiLz v7 and me u and prod can talk and prove you wrong ;)
    #11 gotrek222, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  12. KAMIKAZE M16

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    I hate people like this, they don't read anything or are too stupid to comprehend how you fixed the way that zombies get out.
    I think this looks fun but I haven't played it yet so I won't rate it.
    P.S. in my experiance all the best games aren't aesthetically pleasing and that is what I hate about forgehub members, they always judge a map by it's looks to me that always comes second.
  13. JayDee 106

    JayDee 106 Ancient
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    first things first, soory pinohkio but you make no sense!
    good map and although not asthetically pleasing, it is indeed very fun !
  14. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    I like the fact you like Muse,
    I think this would do better posted in the minigames,
    I don't really see the appeal to this,
    Driving around, dodging bullets, then dying.
    Its just, tedious, almost as tedious as fat kid, I think it would be more fun if it were more, intriguing, instead its too dull to be a real infection.
    I think its a nice try but could be more original, its just a more haphazard version of duckhunt.
    I think it would be better if you made it more interesting ascietically and gave the zombies more movement space.
    Sorry if I was a little harsh.
    edit-I think a few more obstacles are in order, this being moved to the minigames, and a few more interesting things, like pressure switches and things, just to spice up gameplay.
    ---------------- Now playing: Muse - Supermassive Black Hole via FoxyTunes
    #14 Kalriq, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  15. Tully13

    Tully13 Ancient
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    Prod has made like a billion versions of this map mayb u played on an earlier version. You should think up better criticism or at least try the map before sayin its copied. Especially as you seem to have no proof.
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Hmmm, some mixed opinions.

    TBH I actually like this idea. I was wondering how the zombies were confined to their cages so easily, but if they're right below the invisible barrier than I guess jumping would do nothing.

    For what it is, I can see me having lots of fun games playing this. Has anyone ever shot at a human, for example, and would have hit them dead on had another zombie not knocked a piece of scenery into the path of the rocket? And I guess the scenery dropping down isn't all bad for the humans either because they can just hide behind them.

    My only improvement suggestion is the regular zombies. Aren't they overpowering with rockets as well? Surely they should just have brute shots to make it fairer.
    Also, why do the zombies have to watch out for the pipe?

    This actually looks very interesting although the name leaves a lot to be desired. Definite download from me.

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