Mainly Used for Capture the Flag, Oddball and Slayer cuase every time I try to add anything else it says "It can not be placed to many on map" even though there isn't. Weapons: Two snipers, Two Maulers, Three Battle Rifles, Three Carbines, Four Sticky Grenades, Four Frag Grendades. Power-ups: One Overshield-respawns every 1:30 Basis Middle Base Top of Blue Sniper Tower (Same as Red Sniper Tower) Blue Base Blue Base first floor Red Base top floor (Same as Blue Base) Red Base first floor Over shield room Lift to top of Sniper Tower Click Here To Download
It looks interesting and different. I like it. The only thing I can suggest is to possibly make more routes and paths for people to choose from. What I mean by that is that from the pictures, it seems that the sniper towers are cutoff from the rest of the map. I havent played this yet though so I am not sre it if is a problem And btw, the message you are getting about the objects, that is something caled the OLN limit. Each map is given this limit by Bungie and it prevents you from placing over a certain amount of objects on a map. All maps have this, but it is only a problem on sandbox due to its big budget. It sucks
i think that the snipers are way too powerful, especially for flag because the other team would have to go in the open to get the flag and the sniper would definately kill them. change that somehow and the map would be 4/5ish
i like the map, great idea but the only problem is that there is 1 small pathway to each base, if you had it bigger and add cover, like small bariers, and small side cover the map would be great. I downloaded it and the snipers are too powerful, i tested it and forged it, 1 sniper improved the map, and if you want any help on a V2 just message me on live.