this is a map that i made awhile ago on assembly while testing out some of the objects and i managed to make it into a great slayer map. you can use it with any infection gametype you want(preferably ones where the zombies have a decent ammount of health and have the gravity at around 75% or higher so they cant just jump into the base easily. download: : Halo 3 File Details it has a three floored base on it that the humans try to defend from the zombies. at the beggining you start in the bottom lever and you spread out from there. there is a sword in the bottom floor.(you crouch onto the small ledge and go onto a barrier where you can jump up later). there is a majority of the weapons in the second floor, mainly consisting of BR's for basic defense. it also contains a rocket launcher with limited ammo. and don the top floor there is a brute shot and sniper. all weapons are properly set to spawn after a certain amount of time to prevent over use fo certain ones.
Damn Canadian Halo that first pic looks almost like the scenere is part gold lolxD otherwise great map