Hello all, Yes.. I'm new to the forums... nice to see you. I've been creating foundry maps for years (most of them incomplete due to insufficient spare time).. and many times I've run into the Maximum Item Barrier. I would always try to find a way around it, thinking that if I saved and ended the game... I could place more. Naturally, I couldn't. Now, after the release of sandbox.. I am determined (despite bungie hard wiring the item limit) to find a way around the MAXIMUM ITEM LIMIT. I'm making this extremely clear for those of you who will inevitably fail to read all of the posts after the first page. I'm looking for the glitch to get around the total 300 objects bungie provides for you on Sandbox. I am NOT talking about getting 50 stone doubles, nor 50 wall doubles. Key word, not. Now, I have done some data compiling regarding the item limit on sandbox. First off, I have noticed that after checking twice.. you can place 298 items total. Yes folks, the two teleporters built into the map do count towards your item limit. I tested multiple different angles of the UBG maps WITH the default sandbox items. First, I started by adding a ton of objects to the sky bubble (while the default items and the UBG glitch on). This resulted in allowing me to add apprx 290 items until I got the, "Too many items" message. Next, I deleted the DEFAULT map items... and again tried to place an object. This time around, it only let me place an additional 5 objects.. producing the usual 298ish items. So, thinking logically.. we can make multiple plausible reasonable conclusions. 1 - After deleting the default map items, the game did a check to see how many items were on the map, noticed it was out of wack.. and fixed itself. 2 - There must be some element that we are not considering that can directly affect the item limit (and no, I don't mean placing and deleting objects) I can back up item number two with the following. Once I got to the 250ish mark, I noticed that when I tried to place an object where there was only 1 item remaining, it wouldn't allow me to place that last item. (keep in mind, objects on map = 39.. run time maximum = 40) However, when I would try to place a different set (say a set with 5 objects remaining).. it would allow me to place it. Now why would that be, an object is an object.. isn't it? Well not apparently, there must be some factor that affects the item limit that we can manipulate or trick to finally place as many items as we want, and drive our teammates crazy with lag. I propose what's happening is this. As an object is placed, a series of commands is executed.. similar to how when an objected is deleted, the same happens. Now consider this, the ultimate budget glitch became possible by saving the map, ending it.. starting it, and using the initial remaining budget to glitch the next object. Now, if the flaws that we see in the budget exist, surely some flaws exist in the item cap as well. I'm not going at a grab for fame like some other person *coughs*. I'm hoping that by presenting inconsistencies in what is supposed to be an item limit will lead to bypassing of it. It's my hope that by posting enough statistics and result, hopefully somebody will be able to add 2 and 2 together to figure out how to bypass the item limit. On a final note, I humbly request that you don't say that you can't get past the item limit, or say things like, "I hope you do well, keep up the good work".. because if we can get past the budget, then we can surely get past the item limit as well. I'm not looking for encouragement, I'm looking for people to take action, find bits of data, and hopefully find consistencies in how the item limit works. Once we fully understand how it works, it's only a matter of time before somebody finds a way past it. I think the key step to getting unlimited objects is finding/manipulating an object that does not count towards the item limit, yet when you delete it, the current item limit goes down.
Actually the forge 101 thread is flawed, it works extremely unreliably on foundry and not at all on sandbox, and in sandbox its more prominent, and i would really like to figure something out. I'll play around and if I find something I'll report back here. I find it funny how the original objects, when set not to respawn, they appear to be there, but you can't move them in forge, just like a ordinary object would if you started a new game and they were set not to respawn. And very inspiring rant squidhands, bungie does strange things, like how some spawns are crooked and merged somehow. The run-time max doesn't have a purpose for immovable objects, does it?
omg I hope you find something. I don't feel like making my map all over agian. It took so long. Just last Saturday I worked on it from 1:00pm, to 1:30 am and found out I can't do anything lol. bungie should atleast give us an Item count aswell instead of just the budget.
I've been tinkering around with Sandbox for a little bit now, and I'm pretty perplexed at how Bungie set this map up. I want to know why they purposely left runtime max's high for certain scenery, weapons, and equipment and not others. Another interesting thing I noticed; even though there are only 73 spawn points on the map, their runtime max is set to the full 100. I tried lowering it to see if I could place anything else, but to no avail. Starting spawns are the same way, runtime max at 20. Every one of them, too; totaling around 170 items. And that's just the spawn points. IMHO, this seems to be cheating us out of placeable items. I say seems, because I really have no idea how all this works behind the scenes where it really matters. I can understand to some degree why Bungie hard-wired the default items that are already placed into the OLN, but why in the world would the purposely set runtime max's so high for certain items and not others? One would imagine that they did this purposely to keep us from going into game-breaking mode with items, but the list of items that are effectively budget glitched are so arbitrary that it make me wonder what the hell's going on. I know that may come across as an "I want moar, Bungie! You suck!" rant, but it's really not. I'm consumed by forge, and I'd love to understand as much about it as my mortal brain can absorb. /ramble
Something I noticed yesterday while forging is that when you seem to set the gametype to assault or ctf... the base automatically spawns starting points.. But wait! The map doesn't bug you about the limit. Now, if you can delete said items and use that space to place, oh I dunno... 40 walls or so.. loophole much! I haven't tested it yet, however when you create your own bomb spawn points and change the symmetry from both to either symmetrical or asymmetrical.. when you start a new round, the map creates NEW bomb spawn points set to both symmetry. Then, it's just lather, rinse, and repeat. If it works (which it probably wont), then I'm sure everybody will be happy. I'm currently looking at colleges to apply to next year, so I need one of you guys to test this theory.
i believe those are just like the default goals that are there. you can delete them if you are not using that gametype to get more items, but they will not reappear.
Has anyone tried overloading the map so that all the items disappear, and then placing more? I have a feeling that when the map gets overloaded, the object limit may mess up. (in a good way)
It doesn't, I've already tried it. This is what I was talking about earlier; Bungie allows you to place all of the spawn points and starting points, even if you hit the item limit. It sucks, because who the hell needs to place 20 starting points on a map (screw you, Forging 101!)? That's a shitload of items that we could have used. So far, anything that glitches Sandbox is never in your favor. Forging over XBL with other people can sometimes lead to ALL of your objectives being deleted, which will totally screw you when it comes to the object limit. I wouldn't overload the map if I were you.
I just overloaded the map while it was at OLN; The objects disappeared, kinda. They just despawned and respawned at their regular set respawn time (30 seconds). I could not place more objects during this time.
I screwed around for a while with budget glitched and stalked map, and, including the original objects, the object count was 613. I didn't find any loopholes, it seems very solid. Delete an item, spawn another one. With the 613 objects spawned, there was massive lag, which was fun for about a minute, and the objects were blinking black extremely fast. I think that bungie made the OLN for a reason, they wouldn't just sabotage their own game, take stuff away for no reason, i don't think the game can support it. The 613 objects were given is good enough in my opinion. EDIT: 613 including originals, no different if they were or wern't there.
That's what I don't get, how come I could only get to 298 items, and you could get 613... you mean 613 items total, or you were able to spawn an extra 613 items with the default items on the map?