Preview Made By: Killer200o and Egodude Instead of making a long writeup describing it, I assume everyone would rather see pictures, so here that are! NOTE: The grid that you see only appears in forge, it will not show up in custom games. Video You can download this track here: Sorry that some of the wording is explaining Sandbox, I took this from an announcement I made on HT. IT is also sort of an old map, I just never got around to posting it.
pics arent worken to fix this upload pics from bungie net to photobucket then just past the url thingy idk wat u did tho to make it have Xs it might just be my computer and 1st guy be polite to other members k plz
"I knowww that i see this map here befre. Vewy bad and yuchy. stupid turns stupid stupid stupid!! Looks too hard. But I liked it you did good work and forging on map and it payed off cuz it loks fun. but maybe nexttime make it sucx less. 0/10" Wow... way to give constructive critisism. I, for one, think that the map is very well done and would DL if my LIVE currently worked. 5/5 and hope to see more maps by you later
wow, isn't someone a tool. the racing map looks great, he has eliminated cheating wit teleporters, and frankly I think it's better than anything you could have made. 5/5, learn how to spell.
You deserve to be insulted on so many levels of stupidity it's not even funny and it's VERY hard to resist. But I digress... ONTO THE MAP!!! Well the track is wide enough for passing anywhere which is nice as it stays competitive through the entire race as you can lose your position anywhere. There's some very smooth forging done here which is another plus. BUT, it does seem a little dicey in parts, particularly that wicked last turn before you head back up the starting hill. In 8 people races, I can see big pile ups forming there and possibly people getting pushed off. You might want to fix that via shield doors, man cannons/grav lifts, or a completely different turn in a v2. Just my thoughts. It's still a great map though, but I can't rate due to the fact that I haven't even played it yet.
Yeah, we ran out of money near the end and it really isn't worth the update. We are working on a new map right now, but are having a little trouble with some sections. Look out for it it will be coming out soon.
Wow, this is pretty cool. It kind of reminds me of a roller coaster called Ghost Rider. The only thing that could be fixed is that there seems to be alot of flat ground, try adding more curves and waves. Also, does the mancannon jump send you to the next part successfully every time? If so, that would be great
Killer2000, ignore people like Richard Karn. he did the same junk to my map and destroyed the thread. Anyways, the map looks good. Neat forging and interesting route. Idk if I like the sharp turns and boosts, but that's my prerogative.
The jump always works, but sometimes the landing is rough. Also it is flat because we made it in 1 day, it was the first Sandbox Racetrack. It is good for competitive races because the sharp turns allow for you to build skill in the map. We (egodude and I) are working on a map right now, I think you will all love it if we can get everything to work correctly. Our goal is to pretty much give you non standard tracks, no offense to the other maps but most of them are just very long banked turns, not what i think to be very interesting. This next map will definitely have some things in there that will get people excited to race it.
that first jump thing looks pretty shweet. i like how the track snakes under it too. it defenatly looks like you spent your time on this and im looking forward to playing it ! oh and dont listen to that one guy... i really dont see whats his problem. i really like this map, it looks like a good solid course... i think it might work well with rocket race. once again: i will have to try it outt
I ma not sure how it will play with rocket race because there is only one destination and it is a set course. Never tried it tough.
This track was one of the first race tracks I raced on Sandbox because it was the first one made. It's really good and I hope you make some more tracks.
This track is ok but I know from halotracks that it was the first sandbox racetrack and that it was made in one day lol so whoever said I like how you took you're time on it I laugh at you... This track is pretty fun the jump after the destination works really well, although there aren't any cool banks or anything the whole thing is basically flat lol. Also you said that all tracks are the same? lol mine doesn't just have long banks after each other lol they are all different and I have a heart! lol, but good luck on you're new track, me and konakid are sooooo close to being done with ours
I like the flawless interlocks but you may want to get a description up there soon or, you won't get any downloads.The map looks jammed in too.But I like the interlocks and the way the track goes.And finally,never take map pics in forge.
Seems like a well made map, I can see that you worked hard on the big hill and jazz. Keep practicing and hope to see some awesome maps from you later. 4/5
I took the pics in forge on purpose. I released this map before they were publicly available. We wanted to show the grid to people, and how it worked. I took this from an announcement i made on, I didn't put a description because I assumed the members at the time just wanted to see screeenshots. Yes we did make this map in 1 day, that is why there is nothing fancy and it may be a bit buggy. [rant]@ last_chaos_7: Your maps the exact type I was talking about, ok, look at the difference between your maps, Konakid's, Dream's, and Slik's. You couldn't tell they were made by different people. They are all the exact same style, there is nothing extremely defining about any of the tracks, they are all a long turn. I ranted about this to Konakid for awhile. You guys can make great tracks, but to me, as the "Co-Founder of Racing" it is a little depressing to see the creativity go away and it is just made into a mold of very similar tracks. Konakid is even using part of your track in his and you can't tell the difference, that just doesn't seem right to me. I remember when tracks used to be about choosing a path through the default map and bordering off, you had to make decisions about where is the best way to drive. Now all of the "Pro Forgers" are just making these long roller coaster like tracks, which to me is very repetitive. Racetracks have become a competition of how many times you can interlock, not how fun and creative are you. So it tends me to keep off of other sites because to me, everywhere else besides my little HT heaven are just making the same thing over and over. That is just the way I, and many of the very old racers feel, and it will not change I do not believe. You guys do make well forged tracks, I just don't see the creativity in them.[/rant]
ill start off by saying your map was really fun to race, the flatness and the jumps really makes you have to change your style a little bit. I liked it alot 4.5/5. I also want to say i completely agree with your statement above, all tracks have the same features over and over and after dling one then theres no point in getting another one. Also every new track has the same 2 effects in each one so its anoying. I also hate that people dis or overlook the acctual fun tracks like this one, and some of the ones ive made, but once again great map and congrats on being the first person to make a race on sandbox.