I was getting sick of playing on that old hide and seek town so i made my own version ODD TOWN is a map some house's around a church much better then hide and seek town in my opinion. Odd town map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Odd town gametyp:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Some screenshots:
i really like the first pic and how u made the roof and the map its self is pretty good, good map! Good Job!( i also like what u did w/ the A and B sign)
I agree with HLG about the roof and I like the way you did the cross signifying the church. Great job.
id be cool if you could show the inside of the church in one of your pics. and more pics inside of the "houses" in general this map looks great. i love hide and seek game type and this map looks fantastic for it
Nice geomerging witht the Stairs, and I also like how you used the whole map. Really good aesthetics and "House" placement. Although the idea is kind of old, and its on Foundry, not a very played map anymore. But still, you did a good job.
wow. just wow. the church from the inside looks fantastic as well as outside. this is gona be a hit with my friends and will bring back hide and seek with us. great job.
Although I no longer download foundry maps unless it brings a new and original idea, I must say that this map made me poo. In a good way. Overall aesthetics are very nice, but you need to make a better description for your map, because I don't understand what you're supposed to do, or the traits. Can you ride the vehicles? 4/5, not bad, but there are lots of easy camping spots like inside the church, everyone could just wait by the door, since it is the only entrance.
While the map looks like you merged pretty well, the whole "town map on Foundry" thing gets old pretty fast. To be honest, most maps on Foundry are too large for Ghostbusters. Half of Foundry is the right size for a Ghostbusters map because it limits the ghosts ability to hide too long. I generally play Ghostbusters in my version of The Dome. It's a lot quicker paced and it takes more skill to survive as a ghost. I've also played on {Submission} and Framework v2 until we found easy ways out of those maps. I do agree that H&S Town is very boring and I haven't hosted a GB game on that map in a few months now. I prefer finding competitive 4 vs 4 maps on Foundry and convert them to GB.