Socratic Method

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Apr 8, 2009.

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  1. Ice Wolf 212

    Ice Wolf 212 Ancient
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    Nice job, i know you've been told this like a million times but I really like the design and it shows something new and interesting that at least I haven't seen yet, 5/5 for me easily, a for sure DL.
  2. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Very cool aesthetics, the first map I've seen create a setting that the Sandbox items fit so well.

    Am I the only person that first thought the name was a vaguely dirty pun, alluding to 'The Sock Method'? Surely I can't have the dirtiest mind here.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is a beautiful map, Predicide. I've seen people talking about it in other Halo Forums across teh interwebz, so you've got a little hit on your hands. I can't wait to get some games on this, but running back and forth to get a look at everything was still quite fun. You need to stop hiding when you get online and invite me to a few games, lol.
  4. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
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    Predicide my good sir, I believe that you may have created the most asthetically pleasing functional map I have ever played. Congradulations, though stay humble and don't let my post get to to your head.

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
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    Could this be better than Cellers? Is it possible? By the looks of it, yes, this IS better than Cellers. Queued for DL.
  6. Spaghettimanp1

    Spaghettimanp1 Ancient
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    Looks like good forging, but conquest maps dont generraly split up in the middle, and also i am a little worried about your weapons, bruteshot and sniper.
  7. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Oooh em geee this looks sweet. The gameplay, seems faultless, well done pred, for giving us yet another spectacular map.
  8. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Well sir, I believe you may be getting a feature for this in the near future. I played this and the gameplay is extremely balanced and even. The aesthetics are good and both bases impress me greatly. This map is simply flawless. The weapon placement is perfect and it makes for smooth gameplay. Great job Mr. Predicide, great job.
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    This is beautiful, I'd have seen it by now had it not been for the 15 page flood of nonsense minus a handful.

    Firstly the aesthetic aspect is insane, the pictures alone give me an actual feeling that I'm looking back in time.

    This has definitely restored hope in Conquest for me as I never really was a big fan.

    Congrats on the sexy, hoping for a feature, keep forging.
  10. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    I like your thinking on this. Hey this looks like a good map. Hmmm. I havent even played it and tested the game play on it. It must be better that this because I can tell all of this by the pictures.

    I really love how you did the castle turret. It really gives the map its own style.
  11. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    This is not a conquest map. It looks very nice, but it's not a conquest map. Could someone remove the Prefix?
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Yes it is. Since you didn't read the description of the map, Pred's intentions, or any other posts in this thread, I'd urge you to go do so now. Are you REALLY telling the author of the Book of Conquest that his map isn't a conquest map? Really?
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I loved this map when i first played it and the center is really unique in how it is a circle cut in half with a hole and two gun slots on either side. This feature makes it possible to defend with not your entire team although that helps. :] But for every time i played this map and used it in my parties so far everyone likes it and its deffinatly feature worthy. Very well done gameplay and visualy. This is my favorite Sandbox map to date :] Good work Pred you did some good work on this map.
    #53 Eyeless Sid, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  14. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    The bases aren't symmetrical and there are seperate pathways. It's not a Conquest map.
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well if its not conquest then i like this territories gametype far more than conquest :p.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Conquest doesn't have to be on a completely symmetric map. That never has been, and never will be, a prerequisite for conquest. In this particular case, the only difference in the bases are purely cosmetic. You'd know this if you weren't just judging form the screenshots. Also, if you had read the thread, youd have read this:

  17. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Oh my god, I just typed up a huge post but it got deleted so I am going to cut all the crap and say it blatantly, sorry:

    I haven't been here, now I will say what I actually mean:
    -Teleboxes are ok, im not fond but whatever
    -Looks amazing
    -slight difference in symmetry, I don't care
    -Spawning and dropping, I am alright, just make it so that you spawn, fall off and are facing forward, not a wall, only cover 180 degrees, not all 360

    Now most important:
    -The split paths:
    Still not fond of it, I would suggest that instead of splitting the paths completely recreate the barrier with pillars that players can fit through, this will keep the general outline of it, but will lower the amount of flanking and sneaking by the other team. It will allow for cover during the firefight. If any of you have ever played Cellars, you would know that when you hit the middle for the firs battle, each time gathers on their ends of the hall with the snipers hitting people and the brute shot hitting groups. When you get low health, you move to the side and recharge. This allows for intense gameplay and once you get a few of the other team you rush in and finish it. When I played Socratic Method, I felt like I was running and attacking on my own and trying to sneak around the enemy. I just hope you will at least try my advice Predicide, who knows, maybe you will like it better.
  18. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    I have actually downloaded it, and anyways... As I said, you backed me up yourself, it's not a conquest map. I try not to argue with people therefore I'm not going to continue this argument. Go ask AZN FTW.
    #58 Dthen, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    ignorance is bliss, isn't it? Go crawl back into your little hole under a rock, and we'll call you when Cellars v3 is released.
  20. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    How ironic. How about you call me when you're right.

    You call me ignorant, without knowing the definition of a Conquest map?
    Worse, you say that you're right with no basis for your claims.
    #60 Dthen, Apr 20, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2009
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