Ok like the title says this is my first forge map ever. It is a 2 v 2 map on foundary. It is obviously slayer. . I would really appreciate if you could critque it and tell me how I did for my first map. (I have used forge before but not for like a serious forge map). Thanks for all your time. Map- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=26731042 Pics- http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=icebubba2005
Re: My first forge map ever...2v2. okay- your new, nice to see you've made a map- read the threads about posting maps- especially inserting photos's into BB code it'll help u alot with advertising your map
Re: My first forge map ever...2v2. Ok, first, you NEED pics no ones gonna download something if they don't know what it looks like. secondly you need the name of your thread to be the name of your map unless the name of this map is actually "My first forge map ever...2v2." which would be really odd please change this and i will come back and review
please read here: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=1471.0 then edit your original post accordingly. and there is NO need for any further replies of this nature in this thread. PLEASE refrain from more "dude you need pics" posts
ok i took a look at your pics (please try to embed them) and from what i can see this is a simple but enjoyable map, parts of it look a bit too open for 2v2 but you can tell where you want the focus to be which is good because if there is a focus i find that people dont try to escape as much
this map needs some work, maybe some interlocking, some embedded pics from imageshack, straightened boxes, and a new map name cuz 2v2 is dull