
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by halo warrior95, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. halo warrior95

    halo warrior95 Ancient
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    hey guys this is halo warrior95 (that is my gamertag as well) and i am building a map on sandbox i would like help with i have some really amazing ideas for maps on sandbox and foundry but some of them i cant figure out how to make properly. i will either end up running out of cash objects or space sometimes they just dont work out anyway please message me baqck if you could help me with my map if you are remotly interested i will tell you the details on the map i am making i will be on xbox live and the computer here so either message would work preferably xbox live though anyway yah thanx alot :)
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Please, PLEASE take at least SOME time to proofread your post. Periods, capitol letters, and basic grammar are not going to hurt you.
    Okay, after struggling through you post, I have some suggestions to your problems:
    -Running out of cash
    The budget has been discovered to be breakable; search for budget glitched maps, or go to the Forge Maps forum and scroll down to find a thread regarding them. This allows you to forge without worrying about budget constraints. However, it does not let you avoid your other two problems,
    -Running out of objects & Running out of space
    I grouped these two topics because the solution is similar-don't start forging right away. Have a plan for your map. Draw it out, use Google Sketchup, or use the Foundry Designer. You wouldn't start building a building without blueprints, right? Space is less a problem in Sandbox than in Foundry, but it is still important to recognize the limits.
  3. halo warrior95

    halo warrior95 Ancient
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    hey thank you for you input. I would like to say that usually i do not use blueprints but i will plan over it in my mind, or i will draw sketches on paper, no organized site though. anyways would you like to help me anybody? this is not a remake of any map but a new idea i have come up with. i do not want to reveal what my map is about here incase people go off of it and make and post it before i do then i dont get my full credit :( anyway than you for any constructive ?critiscism? my gamertag is halo warrior95 please add me and message me on xbox live because i will not be checking this thread as frequently. bye and hopefully this map will be my very first post on forgehub :)

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