Alternating Power Up

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by W0lf, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    Is it possible to make an alternating power up? By that I mean I want the power up to be active camo then when someone gets that and the respawn timer is reached it should spawn back as an overshield. Then back to active camo etc.....

    I thought about setting the respawn times to 3 minutes and having one spawn at the start and the next spawn in a minute and a half. But then if someone didnt get the first powerup in a minute and a half then they could get both of them correct?
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I am thinking of putting a overshield and then a active camo on top of each other. Make the overshield spawn at start and the camo not spawn at start and making their respawn time the same. Other than that, I dont think its possible to alternate the custom power up. Thats the best thing I can think of, but can lead to problems during gameplay if its not picked up withing the respawn time.
  3. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Yeah I think the only possible way of doing that is what egyitarplaya33 said. Put on to spawn at start and then make it never respawn and then put the second one to spawn maybe three minutes into the game, and then make tha also not respawn.
  4. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    Thanks thats what I thought just figured I better check and see if there is a better way .... I will set the respwan time for 6 minutes on both of them then set one of them not to spawn until 3 minutes into the game . Hopefully 3 minutes is long enough for someone to pickup a power up. ...if not no big deal ill just have a camo juggernaut running around the map
  5. brad2222

    brad2222 Ancient
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    The highest possible respawn time for an object is only 3 minutes, 180 seconds
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    You won't have a camo juggernaut. Remember, if you have both Active Camo and Overshields, the Overshields shine brightly on the guy. So he'll basically just have Overshields.
  7. brad2222

    brad2222 Ancient
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  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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  9. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    There is no real fixed way of being able to do this. Sure you can do one at the start (which has been mentioned already), but what happens at the 4 or 6 minute mark? You'll spawn two consecutively in a row, and there goes your pattern.

    The only way I can see of doing it consistantly is to go Camo/OS in the same spot at start, when both are picked up it'll only give you OS, then have camo spawn 90 seconds later, then have both spawn again at 3:00 (as camo spawns every 90 seconds, OS spawns every 180 seconds, they'll alternate). However, this cannot work because you cannot drop spawn power-ups.

    Say the first spawn works out just fine, have both on there at the start, you pick them up, and camo respawns 90 seconds after that. Well, what if the camo is not picked up on the 90 second mark, say it's picked up 20 seconds later. This means that the OS will spawn by itself, allowing someone to pick it up before 20 seconds, then camo comes up, by itself 20 seconds after the OS spawns. That would ruin your map effectively.

    There is no real way of doing it past 3:00, but it would work in short rounds if you were willing to try it. (OS spawns at start, set to never spawn), camo spawns 90 seconds in, and a second OS spawns 180 seconds in (remember, 3 minutes tops for rounds, then it doesn't work after that).

    That's the only way I see of doing it. But it has to be rounds, so you're limited to one-sided objective games or incredibly low kill slayer games (which could be broken if the contenders stop killing for a time).
  10. W0lf

    W0lf Ancient
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    Thanks for all the input guys. To bad that wont work for my game type. I will just have to go with active camo
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You could do this, have 4 different spots on the map put an overshield or invis in each place (only one or tuther...) then set them to spawn at start no and respawn time 180. Set the runtime minimum to 1 and keep max at 2 for both invis and overshield and that should work I think...
  12. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    You might be able to do it without setting them to never respawn.

    When active camo and an overshield are placed in the same place (ie. on a weapon holder) and picked up at the same time, the active camo will not be fully activated, on slightly if at all, the overshield will be fully activated.

    Set the active camo to spawn at start. Set the overshield to not spawn at start but to respawn at a length of time double that of the active camo's.
    Say AC is on 30s and OS is on 60s.

    If a player picks up the power up before 30s then they get AC.
    After 30s and its an OS.

    This isnt a perfect alternating system and the 2 power ups may go out of sync (ie. one not spawning 30s after the other) but it will be reset when the OS and AC are picked up together

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I remember playing avalanch heavy online and when the tank would die the wraith would spawn and vice versa. i think this only works with movable object so powerups do not so maybe you could do a switch or something.
  14. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I doubt that. I think Avalanche Heavy in MM has a Wraith and Scorpian for both teams which both spawn at the start.

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