20 Min 'til Evac is a game originally played on Headlong in Halo 2. It is an infection game that was played in one of the buildings on Headlong, and it was very fun compared to normal infection on any other maps. What makes this fun is the multiple ways to enter into the building. The building itself has 4 entrances, and other ways may be found as well. A list of the normal entrances are below. The game is played by the humans running to the building (If you are confused on which building, see the screenshot below) and trying to hide inside of it for a full 20 minutes without dieing. Surviving for that long is very challenging, and after a while, zombies will become aware of your strategies, compared to other infection games. There are 3 floors to the building, but the second and third floors are the safest. Zombies may enter the playing field from the sky bubble after 45 seconds, when the blocks are removed so that they may enter. The zombies enter the playing field through 5 different teleporters in the sky bubble, and the 6th one that leads straight to the building after 3 minutes. After the zombies die once, they can spawn onto the playing field, or back in the sky bubble. Zombies have no shields, allowing them to be killed very easily with a headshot, or a melee. Alpha zombies are fully visible, but zombies have poor camo. Zombies spawn with only swords, Alpha Zombies with swords and hammers. Humans spawn with magnums and swords, but can pick up carbines or battle rifles littered around the playing field and some inside the building. The weapon layout is supposed to match that on Headlong, although some of the carbines were switched out for Battle Rifles. There is only one honor rule: The humans must stay in the designated building during the game at all times, so that it is fair for the zombies. Hiding in the dunes or the edge of the playing field is cheating! Entrances: 1) Front Door 2) Back Door 3) Elevator 4) Top Teleporter Open the spoiler to show the entrances on the overview picture. Spoiler Download 20 min 'til Evac (map) 20 min 'til Evac (gametype) Screenshots: Overview (This is the main building that the humans should stay in.) Bottom Floor Bottom Floor 2 Hallway Second Floor Elevator room Stairway Third floor Third Floor 2 Zombie Spawn (Watch the mancannon, if you jump you die. This is also a picture after blocks have been removed.) Teleporters (A bridge to the far left one is spawned after 3 minutes.) Teleporter building (This is a second building for zombie's use only) Actions Shots: Don't play with the deployable cover that much... Headshot = 1 hit kill Watch the window for zombies, they can slash through it I will be adding in screenshots of what the original map looked like on Headlong later, so that you may get an idea of how it looks like it.
pretty coool but it would be better if you had more buildings. humans probaly are gonna go to the zombie building anyway coz u can teleport camp. anyway pretty cool map 3.9/5. woot 1st post who cares really lol.
It's closed off except for one open spot, and so far, no one is smart enough to go find it. There's no point anyways, if they spawn camp, the zombies can pop up anywhere else. There are 5 other teleporters to choose from, so that it's hard to spawn rape them, and there are other spawns on the playing field as well. The point of this map was to recreate what I played on Halo 2, where we only used the one building. The building itself took up pretty much all the objects and all the budget, because I was trying to make it look as close as possible to the real thing, right down to the very detail. Some examples: 1) By the ramp leading up to the second floor, there is a wedge, so it looks like the stairway to the original map. 2) A pallete is in the hallway. 3) The bump in the middle of the front door 4) The hole in the floor on the top floor 5) The window on the top floor.
Nice Dude! In Halo 2, I Started a Game called Zombie Fort, where you hold off the Headlong building, and baracked the Doors with the Big Creates, you had 4mins to get ready for the zombie to attack that was a rule. but overall map is about 4/5 =] you also had to surviove for like 20mins.
EXACTLY! That is almost the same idea, just different name. We would use the big crates and barricade the doors and sometimes the teleporter. We made it like 30 seconds or a minute I think in Halo 2, but you need less time in this, because everything is laid out for you and it's smaller. In this version instead of crates, you get deployable cover. It's not as effective, but it works. I didn't have crates on Sandbox to use. Also, I have golf balls instead of the small crates.
Lol I started this on Halo 2 when it zombies started , I wounder if you were in one of my games when this was played becasue yeah it was like 30 seconds or a minute i remember now and no ever won the game it was to hard. Old Gamertag was Commander Rx28 I was the one that told the long rules lol
My old gamertag was gfys03 I think. I can't remember lol. I remember the old zombies, it was like free-roam, and more fun, and hard for the zombies. Now it's too hard for the zombies sometimes, and too hard for the humans sometimes. This map creates the original idea. I don't remember who gave me any of my old custom games, (Like 20 min 'til evac or Mafia) but I only used the ones that I liked. My favorites were this and Mafia, which both now have been recreated on Halo 3. No one ever really won this game, it's super hard to keep out a zombie, especially with a lot of people. I think this is even harder in Halo 3, because the game is much different, and I also made the non-alpha zombies partly invisible, making it harder to see them before they kill you. Yes... I was the one to tell all the rules as well, I hated telling the rules for this and Mafia, especially Mafia. Now I simplified it for both. All I have to say for Mafia is it's just like Cops and Robbers, but a little different, and explain the extra like 3 rules. For this, I just have to say, stay in the building, and don't die.
lol thats were i my idea from "Mafia" In halo 2 my friend was the leader of are make believe Mafia for fun and he dident want anybody in the building we got the creates and blocked the doors so the cops woudent come in lol then i was like this would be perfect for Zombies
Lol, stuff like that happens. I didn't create the gametype, but I hadn't heard of anyone even closely remaking this, so I did it.
looks pretty fun. i can imagin this with a full party that would be sweet. you have flawless merging but the honor rule is never good. people will ALWAYSE break it.ill go give it a go. i like it 4.5/5
This is pretty cool. It brings back old memories. But, the one honor rule could be fixed if you just made this in the sky bubble, or if you enlarged it in the crypt. Also, try to take out unecessary things like the golf balls, and move the deployable covers farther apart
Thanks, and the honor rule can't be helped. There's no way I can make it so the zombies can enter, but the humans can't get out. If anyone leaves, just boot them. Tell them in the beginning. It's the same thing in the Halo 2 version, but at least this time you'll know if someone is cheating...really easy. Also it's easy to tell if someone isn't playing, and you don't have to search for them, they're in the wide open. Well I thought about the sky bubble and the crypt, but I thought it might mess up the free-roam part with the zombies. I probably could have done it there, but it might be easier to spawn and tele rape the zombies. The golf balls are there for fun, anything that slows down zombies are good. Well, I guess I could move them further apart, but why do they need to be moved?