SO how do you think? I think from the jacka**es from America, I think there pretty good, they seem to get along well.
We're not all jackoffs here. There's good people if you know where to look. And I'm sure there's probably an equal amount of 'em over there as well.
Im from England and ive had no probs with the Americans on my Friends list or just in particular. To be honest, every country has their fair share of annoying pepl - to put it simple.
This one time I was playing Gears of War, and there was this all out 'war' against these Canadians and these English. It was so funny to hear what they were saying. The Canadians obviously said things about tea and stuff. I, on the other hand, just sat there laughing. I always like playing with players from England. TGIF's with Shock are always a blast.
I am from England and I have never eaten a crumpet. I are stereotype proof rawwr. Every country has their "jackasses". America makes up probably over 80% of the live community so we're bound to come across more "jackasses" from there than anywhere else.
I am from Ireland and Americans generally are nice to me it can get quite annoying when they constantly shout at me things like. Belive me it can get annoying just because your greeat great Grandfather was Irish does not make you half Irish.
really, jz, everytime i get into an argument with an American it always goes either- Oh go and drink some tea/ eat some crumpets and scoowns- emphasis on oone. Of which I reply - Go to Maccy D's and eat a burger, thats if u can fit through the door
My girlfriend is originally from England. She has the English accent and all. She's super hot. AND SHE LIKES FPS'S. Most of my friends are jealous, lol.
I like British people. More surprisingly I like Russians but older people tend to tell me very bad things about them. I like Russians and their fuzzy hats.
I am an American, and I find this thread very offensive and degrading. To think that all Americans are overweight is a horrible stereotype.. I sir am not overweight.. :squirrel_evil: I move to have this thread locked.
First of all let me say that I'm American so I don't confuse anyone. Thats the kind of comment that makes other countries think, that we believe that we are better than everyone. (If your British though and that is saying that you like America than nevermind, I supposed you were American by that comment) _________________________________________________ Yay, someone who has made sense of it all! (I don't know if that sounds sarcastic or not but it is ment to be serious not sarcastic.) _________________________________________________ Wtf is a scoown, lol? I realize that you were defending yourself against a retarted stereotype but I hope you don't really think we're all overweight. Despite what many think, obesity isn't a enourmous problem in America. I think it is mainly here is because we founded lots of fast food restaurants that dealt with lots of trans-fat and it didn't spread around the world as much as it is still here. Even still, most of the fast food restaurant chains are switching to much less fattening greases/products; no food cooked in trans-fats for example. Plus, Burger King is much better than McDonalds. :squirrel_wink: _________________________________________________ How do find this thread offensive and degrading? Because one person said they defend themselves against stereotypes with a counter-stereotype? I have a good feeling that you didn't read any of this thread except for that post. This is the kind of thing that make us Americans look stupid.
How do find this thread offensive and degrading? Because one person said they defend themselves against stereotypes with a counter-stereotype? I have a good feeling that you didn't read any of this thread except for that post. This is the kind of thing that make us Americans look stupid. [/quote] Nah, I read the whole thing.. From top to bottom.. I find this offensive and Degrading because four out of the first 10 or so posts were to me taking hits at Americans. I'm not sure about you Wakko, But I take pride in being American.. and would rather not have a thread basically saying how rude Americans can be, or how overweight they are, or whatever else will eventually be posted on this.. It's just my opinion though. Also, you shouldn't assume things to make yourself sound better.
I would love to see the other three posts you think are degrading to Americans. And I do take pride in being American, but I take more pride in being a person of this world.
Shock Theta and myself have been good friends since the first TGIFD and every other euro gamer that I have run into has been pretty cool too.
same... EGS was the very first person I ever insulted on FH /tear and for some reason... all my friends even my history teacher complain alot about euro gamers that are mean... but they all love me.... hmmmmm.
I have several british friends. I actually prefer to converse/play with them relative to american idiots.
calm down, calm down, I was just making a point- each nation has its own particular stereotype of one another- Americans think that Britian is filled up with posh snobs who have bad teeth because of the amount of tea, crumpets and scones we consume. We believe that your country is filled with overweight people who need an oxygen tank just to get up a 5 degrees hill. Then of course you have the French with their snails etc - the trend goes on. Ive got no probs with playin with Americans or anyone else for that matter, in a way it feels more united as both nations are fairly similar in terms of culture. We have jackasses, u have jackasses - its the same across the world except for Tibet