MINI GAMES of THE GOD'S MAP PACK Hey there! This is my first map thread and also my first pack of maps. I made all of these on SandBox in my spare time. None of these maps use geomerging. They are just quick, simple games that you can have fun with. Now onto the first map. MGOTG'S 1 - Slayer This is an over view of the map. Both spawns are identical. This is a 2v2 map where players spawn with an energy sword and have 1 life per round. There are 5 rounds. There is also a 7-wood in the middle of the map. Be careful if you charge for this because theres a 2 second gap that can lead to a sword in your face. MGOTG'S 2 - Infection This is where the human spawns. The human has no shields, 10% dmg resistance, 50% speed, 200% gravity, and a plasma pistol with infinite ammo. Sounds like he's/she's in deep trouble. But low and behold someone was kind enough to leave a scorpion tank for them. This is where the zombies spawn (up to 8). Zombies have no shields, 100% dmg resistance, 110% speed, 100% gravity, Full Vehicle use, and a Magnum with infinite ammo. Now I know your thinking "WHAT THE HECK! A TANK VS ZOMBIES WITH MAGS? UR A TARD HAXOR!!!!", but this is where it gets fun/tactical (kinda). As zombies you need to destroy the tank blocking you from your dinner. Now you and your buddies need to run to that scorpion, get a good grip on it, and send a shell shattering punch to tear out your prize. This is the field of play with plenty of blocks to hide behind, waiting for that perfect moment to dip it for the scorpion. MGOTG'S 3 - King of The Hill Players spawn on the 4 corners with a Gravity Hammer and Needler with infinite ammo. Once you jump into the hill you become invulnerable and must knock your opponents out of the ring so you can raise your score to the winning number of 150 points. If uncontested you gain a bonus 3 points per second. MGOTG'S 1 Map: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: MGOTG'S 2 Map: Gametype: MGOTG'S 3 Map: Gametype: Hope you enjoy! =D
The only one worth downloading is the KOTH map. The other two just seem kind of thrown together with out much thought. You could probably make the floating line a lot better with interlocking and making it a lot bigger. Youv'e got a lot of ideas I can see from the three maps in one post and I hope to see some more maps by you later.
The only one that is an actual minigame is the 3rd one which has been made before, this is not worth downloading 3/5
Yeah i agree with everyone else, the third one is the only one worth downloading. The other two are fun to screw around on but the third one is an actual mini game, and if you were to interlock the third one it would look better. 2/5
Glad to hear som feed back =D. Yeah I know THese were just made quickly by me for just really simple fun. Im working on better versions of these maps and other projects that I will bring public later on. Thanks for the criticism haha