Fans of Half Life 2 will know that the level "We don't go to Ravenholm", is one of the best ever made. I've decided to make a Halo 3 map based on it. Here it is. Ravenholm First off, this is only a beta-test map and it is not finished. I will have a bigger and better version in a month or two. The humans start out in a tunnel leading into the city. As they enter, they can either go forward, into the main brawl area, or go right, into the side buildings. The zombies spawn on the high points of the map In the backside of the brawl area, there is a small area where... well.... I haven't really designated a purpose for this area of death, but there is a slightly elevated platform that can, um... change the outcome of the game. (I guess) Anyway, across the backside of the map, there is an elevated ledge where the zombies spawn. Although it's impossible for humans to get up there, the zombies have swords so they can't stay there forever. The humans have pistols and move slightly faster. The zombies have swords and move slightly slower. Recommended players: 4-12 Ravenholm Map Download Ravenholm Gametype Download
I think you need more pics. I can't tell anything from just these. Also it's kinda sloppy. I'd suggest hidding the lights in places so it looks more clean. I'm sorry but I give you a 2.5/5 OKAY Edit: Just read the top sorry. I see now why it's a test. Okay some improvents you can do are: 1- The things I alrready said 2- Make a little more hidding plces or cover 3- Might think of latter
You need to do the part at the beginning where the main character (forgot name) goes into the huge round test room, u know, where the infection started (or is that the first game?) 5/10
Like Massacre said, it would be more appealing if you would hide the lights. From what I can see its okay but you might want to add some cover and maybe some traps since in the actual level Gordon used various types. (i.e. Car crusher) Maybe in a v.2 you could add a cemetery and include some interlocking. From what I can see from the pictures I'll give the map a 5/10.
The concept of a map based on the Half-Life 2 mission "We Don't Go To Ravenholm" is a very original idea with a real potential for greatness. That being said, however, I think that this map do not achieve that greatness in its current form. I do not see the correlation in either game-play or aesthetics between this map and Ravenholm. The original Ravenholm was designed to create a state of constant suspense and unease, making great use of the claustrophobic map geometry and eerie lighting, as well as providing interesting challenges to the players. I think the following adjustments could greatly improve the map: - This map needs to be brought inward. I would suggest adding several smaller buildings that the player cannot enter, so as to add a sense of claustraphobia to the map. Making the existing buildings taller would help as well. - Adjust the map so that only 2 of the buildings can be entered from the ground floor, and have them exit to a cat-walk from the second-to-top floor, just like the building that Father Gregori is originally in. -Add assorted debris around the map, and strategically add fusion coils as though they were exploding barrels. -I would also remove the blue lights entirely, as they are a bit too bright and don't neccessarily fit in with the fire-based lighting of the original. -As far as the game-type is concerned, you need to make the gravity higher by 50-100%, because in Half Life 2, Gordon cannot jump very high. I would also make it so that the zombies have the maximum gravity, because the zombies can't jump at all. If you wanted to, you could set the alpha zombie to run very quickly and jump at regular height, though inflict less damage, to replicate the Leaping zombies. The map is a good start, but with some tweaks this map could become one of the best infection maps made so far. I will not rate this version, though, as it is a beta-test.
Agreed with what was stated before. A few more pics, and hide the lights, it would make this map A hell of a lot better. But this is still pretty good.. I can't really tell what you should improve on since there aren't enough pics, so message me when more are up and ill gladly make another review :")