Hello, Figured it was appropriate and manditory of me to create an introduction. I've been playing halo since, well, the beginning. Fortunatly for myself alike you, we have the luxory of forge on this latest installment of Halo. Thanks to Bungie, we're given the opportunity to create mind blowing maps. Also, if a map is deemed worthy, it might even take notice by Bungie themselves! This is my latest hobby of sorts. I've always been a fan of creating in ways of entertainment. Let it be assisting in ideas/plots for machinimas, contributing ideas or helping players in Halo/clans. Now, it's forge. I am not freshmeant per se, however I am just a hair above average at forge. I am very particular when it comes to forging and now that I've got the mythic maps (sandbox), I can carefully and accurately place enviroments together in such a way thats been difficult in the past. For warming up I am focused on doing remakes or reimaginations of classic halo maps. Just glad to be here and hope to forge with many of you in the future -debuff
Oh thank god, a smart new member! Here are the standard-issue tips, guides, and rules: Screenshot embedding Compendium of IMPORTANT Threads The Rules (Read before posting) Ranking system explanation It'll be great to see you out there in the community! You can get on board a Forge project if you ask around and share ideas, get to know the community. If you're looking for an avatar, you might want to check out my thread, or the Graphics and Arts Forum. (AKA: G&A) Some members become known by their unique avatars.
Thanks for making me feel welcome I've got a few projects in mind regarding sandbox's skybubble, I do need help. I know, wrong section to find help.