I'm all in for the love of sandbox , but doesn't anyone else miss the UNSC textures, the walls with little stands so they stand up straight, the double box with straight walls, not these curves on the sand blocks. I would love to see an update on halo which allows the change of themes. If possible , i thought it would be relatively easy because all bungie has to do is enable the switch of textures, instead of looking for files in the sandbox theme, it would swap them for other textures found in the foundry and the new mythic map on the spaceship. So is it just me? or dose anyone else miss the human themed textures? comments welcomed.
OK fair enough personal opinion but don't you think it would be nice to have the choice? it would make maps feel so much different? and i think it would make it look nicer smoother and better interlocking.
I agree.The textures on sandbox ruin map making.I don't know why bungie did that...nice job.That is my take on it though.
I would like to see some covenant textures, but I do prefer foundry's human textures over the sand blocks in sandbox.
I prefer the textures from Foundry because I don't really like the sandy feel. To be honest, I like neither of them. I wish we had the options for more objects. If I could choose, I would pick an urban theme. It would have concrete blocks, asphalt, and walls that felt like a city. It would have more than that. I can only hope Longshore is urban and great for forging. I doubt there will be another map just for forging.
personally i prefer that Avalanche textures, walls and such but I see your point. This would be a wonderful feature why not start a thread about it on bungie.net?
But the boxes on Av and Blackout suck at everything and require much more to make them smooth, look good, and you may have to colorcode them. Though the forerunner stuff on Av is cool.
it would be very cool to be able to switch themes, but i think impossible for bungie to do. they would have each theme in the save file for each map, just one would show up. they would have to rewrite a lot of stuff, plus it take up A LOT of space. but i really have no idea what im talking about.
No dude i hear you. I love foundry to forge still! i actually am releasing a map on foundry this week. i just like the feel of the map better. dunno.
I don't think we'll see this in Halo 3 - maybe in Halo 4 or whatever comes after ODST - but my ideal version of Forge would be a more robust program, almost a true map editor, with a huge variety of objects and the ability to change textures and lighting. I had hoped they were going that direction with Sandbox, but I think the way Forge is written probably makes Sandbox the best they can do.
I enjoy the sand textures. If you interlock (and don't get z-fighting) it is much less noticeable. Unlike in Foundry, you don't really get super distinct lines separating the two items. Also, I would like to point out that even though the textures are imperfect surfaces, the hit detection around the boxes are still perfect boxes. This does make it hard to tell if an item is straight though, but we do have the grid now.
I would love to see the changing of textures/themes on a map. My personal favorite would be the avalanche theme. I think it would look awesome if you had that on sandbox, with a box or double box that looks all forerunner like and all the same color.(eg: the ramps on avalanche)Then you could actually build a proper ship on the sandbox skybubble.
I like the idea of a Covenant theme, with deep purple and pinkish scenery, but the more I think about it the less it would work. Having a straight wall goes against the Aesthetics that the Covenant employ in all of their structures, all their walls seem to be rounded and sloping. If you still love the human stuff, wait for the level "Longshore". It's a human level and set on docks (Just like Foundry) not to mention Big Team which means it will have lots of space and possibly the same types of items as Foundry.
Besides covenant textures, I'd love working with Forerunner textures even more. And Flood textures might be incredibly interesting, but probably hard to forge with. Forerunner sounds smexiest.
Switching themes would be a cool idea, one thing you could do is, if you prefer the sand theme, interlock with the the human theme for smoothness, then when that's all finished, switch over to the sand theme.
I know what your all saying , it doesn't seem bungie could do this but come on if paradise city can be remade to include bikes and a new interface bungie can enable a feature that just switches the textures, i dont see how hard it can be just to swap textures from one place to another. i think bungie could arise to the challenge
Yeah, textures are pretty small files, but it's the models that might be hard to swap. But all they need to do is make human textures for the sandbox items so you can switch between the two. And while they're at it, they should include a forerunner texture as well! >=( For a covenant feel, they'd need to make new models. Look as assembly, the covenant feel is complex, and has smooth rounded surfaces. Heck, we could have an aged covenants texture though.
Thank you that's what i meant not to switch the models, but like you said just the textures i thought this would be relatively simple. Thanks for your help you seem to explain this well.