This user saw my map and aparently made a version of it on sandbox. Now everyone believes the idea is his after i forged my ass off in foundry (way harder than sandbox) to make my map DEER HUNT what it is today. Now people comment his version and not mine and think he thought of it. I am pissed. Any opinions?
you should report him, so he knows to ask the creator to remake a map and give credit in the post. he should edit his post to give credit to you, even though he should have asked your permission before making it.
you should probably report it anyway. a moderator telling him it is wrong and a shiny infraction would leave more of an impression than you telling him, although if you just want to handle it yourself, thats your decision.
Im just gonna see where things go for now. I wanna give the guy a chance. If he puts a link to mine i won't.
Take a look at the map he is talking about wood first. Ok, I posted in the thread and now I guess I will here. The idea of sniping people out of mongooses is not uncommon. I've had an idea for it but i didn't feel like making it. Your map is completely different than his as well. Now the name, that may be random or he saw your name and named it v2, which isn't illegal or anything. Basically, the equivalent of what you are saying is this: I made a puzzle in a puzzle map and then someone else used it.
The two gametypes, although same name, play differently. One doesn't seem like a v2 or direct remake of the other. If I'd say anything yours looks more refined than his does. There is a high chance that it was coincidences. Edit:Also he did mention the v2 is there because an earlier version was broken. So he definitely wasn't referencing the v2 with your map.
I disapprove of the other deer hunt threads because there are now 5 of them on the front page of the mini game maps section. 2 of them are of the same map double posted... and a stolen idea from the original creator of the Sandbox deer hunt. The others are the 3 versions from the original deer hunt on sandbox. And he could've just edited his post for the new versions and replyed to the thread for every update. BUT NO, he's new to the forum and is just pissing people off (such as yourself Shea) by making a new thread everytime he updates the map even a little bit. I suggest you just report him and clear up the forums. This is really just an annoyance now.
I think he's a duesh for stealing your map. I acctually like yours. You should remake yours on Sandbox just to piss him off.
Wow, all five of the maps are now locked and the guy who posted Open Season is now banned. It's like I did something about it... (not really, I just reported some of the spam posts in the threads).
map copy I saw your maps. yours seems to be much different to his. he just took your map name. its not like he could go look at every map and see if it had the same name. There like 50 different duck hunt maps, but no one complains. I do agree that he should not have posted all his improvements in like 30 minutes apart and calling each a new V. Stop complaining and give it a rest. someone put a map up with the same name as my map just with an extra letter, but still noticably the same. I did not care. I was happy to see another persons map. GIVE IT A REST.
Damn that was a trainwreck hahaha. I got an infraction though for spam and im confused as to y. But it's fine at least I didn't get the same heat as those guys haha
You got a spam infraction because you posted something (actually alot of things) that had nothing to do with the map. You only need to say he stole my map once, not multiple times on multiple threads starting multiple arguments.
Ooooo ok i get it. Sorry bout the whole Deer Hunt BS. Even without me though, there'd still be a huge arguement about it conserning the other 2 guys involved. I mean come on one of them is banned now for god's sake. I didn't wish that on anyone, I just wanted credit for my post too.