Socratic Method

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Apr 8, 2009.

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  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Wow, this looks just incredible. The Greek theme is definitely original, and this looks like one of the most balanced and playable asymmetrical Conquest maps I have ever seen. The Forging seems very thorough and smooth. I can almost guarantee a feature here.
    Very very very nice job.
  2. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Fantastic!, the castle is really original yet amazingly creative and I love the way you put small ramps around the center hole instead of just plugging it. 10/10
  3. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Wow this map looks amazing! This definately the best looking Conquest map I have ever seen. I really hope I can play this sometime.
  4. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    Why does everyone think I'm so stringent on symmetrical maps for Conquest? Have you guys seen the station? I have NEVER said that a Conquest map needed to be symmetrical. The gameplay all has to be symmetrical, but the map can be whatever the ef you want... stop assuming what I think about sh**, I'm getting tired of it.

    Anyways, the map looks gorgeous and as Gunner stated, I'm not so sure about those pillars, but I shall see when I play a game on it... I will get back to you and let's see if running that Book of Conquest of yours has taught you anything ;)... lolz...
  5. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    Wow!! This map is epic. The structures are just out of this world, and everything looks perfect. Nice job. 5/5
  6. drawnzer54

    drawnzer54 Ancient
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    This looks absolutely AMAZING!
    I plan on playing this later tonight if I can pull together a big enough party.
  7. twisted gaming1111

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    i gotta say the castle top looks amazing
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    point taken ;]

    Thanks again for the good words from all. It's getting a bit spammy, no? I guess that's the way it is now, oh well. I still do appreciate it.
    #28 Indie Anthias, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  9. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    This reminds me of Greece or Rome or whatever but i like the tower how you use the flag on it to represent and the temple just gives me a feeling like that i am in ancient Greece or Rome or whatever. 9.5/10
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    -slightly updated v1.1 now linked.

    I narrowed the first territories to address a contesting problem. Thanks AZN for breaking my map so effortlessly. Fix't.
  11. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I do that oh so well for Conquest... :) Any thoughts on how to keep your center, but reduce flanking yet? I love the aesthetics, but the flanking has been a HUGE deal... and I think people that build Conquest maps don't quite grasp that enough yet...
  12. Dylan1kenobi

    Dylan1kenobi Ancient
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    Dude, I love the Aesthetics on this map. That castle piece looks incredible. I really hope that it plays well.

    For looks: 5/5
  13. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    This is a really great map the aesthetics are great the roman/greek vibe works so well but what I really like is the the way it plays,fast,frantic tight spaces and nice open areas

    The weapons are well chosen giving nice variation I really like it

    Oh and nice idea leaving the crypt open

    Great work Pred will have to play this again very soon
  14. A Hobo Popper

    A Hobo Popper Ancient
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    LOVE the map but i have one question, why don't you have any close range weapons like sword or shotgun? I'm not saying that its needed but just curious.
  15. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Yeah, I've had some thoughts. I'm going to leave it like it is, I like it. I totally get where you're coming from, but here's the way I see it. Without taking the time to count, there's probably about 50 or so Conquest maps that I've listed in my compilation. There's gotta be something to set these maps apart from each other. Otherwise, they're all Cellars clones that happen to look a bit different on the surface. If you happen to think that the Cellars is the optimum arrangement, then just play that map and nothing else.

    During my tests, I didn't find the split mid section to be a problem, in my opinion. It makes the map unique, and I like it. Therefore, it's not a problem, it's just different. The idea that "Conquest is all about brute force" is a bit narrow, and doesn't seem versatile enough to generate 50+ unique maps. Think of my map as being more about "situational awareness" than "brute force".

    One of the guys who was in that game, Coyote I believe, told me that "personal preference" doesn't justify the use of tele-cages. Well..... my only retort to that is... I disagree. And I think there are those who agree with me. I like tele-cages, so my map has them.

    Also, Coyote (I think) told me that he didn't like having to jump down from above after every spawn. But how many times, after being over-run, did we switch bases? The default of having a strong high-ground position can really aid in booting the other team, in the event that you are over-run. This was actually the first idea I had, and the entire map was built around the premise of having high-up spawn hives.

    But thanks to everyone for all the fine-tuned insight that I got about my map. In the end, the only thing I felt needed addressing was the ability to contest the number 1 territory from the far corner, so that's the only thing I fixed. The other "complaints" are what I view as integral, unique features of my map.

    edit- oh yeah... I figured from the start that the main draw of this map would be the aesthetics, so I guess I was right about that, lol.
    #35 Indie Anthias, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  16. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Oh wow, this is spectacular.... Freaking A i just had a Forgasm. Instant DL. The interlocking is amazing, the middle area is breathtaking, along with the 2 different bases that remind me of a castle and the lincoln monument. Great job, this truly is greatness itself (since i am such a conquest freak) FEATURE NAO

  17. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    Actually the way you did the spawns were frustrating for the castle. In general a spawn point needs 3 seconds of un-interrupted free movement. The reason for this is because you aren't fully aware of your surroundings... the drop is actually fine... what Coyote was trying to say that spawning and dropping in the first 3 seconds causes ALOT of frustration for first time players because they loose themselves in the map...

    As for the teleboxes, no they aren't preference for conquest. teleboxes drag away from the point of Conquest. The point is to meet with the whole team at once in the center and use more brute force than your opponent to win the match. However when you put someone in a telebox, they have less effect and don't travel with the team, and by themselves they are pretty much worthless. I'm sure you have played a game of uneven Conquest teams on something like The Cellars... the outnumbered team is at a HUGE disadvantage, and that is what makes teleboxes not fine for Conquest. Also with a map where the objectives are in a straight line, all of your danger should be in that line. You expect the danger to be in front of you... not from the side from a telebox... that distracts attention and frustrates a player.

    And as for the whole uniqueness thing. There is quite a bit of more focused and simplistic stuff that matter for Conquest... like cover, verticality, weapons, path wideness, line of sight, congestion control, grenade selection. Just with those if you know what hey are you can make some pretty unique maps and use the aesthetics of different maps to give it an identity. You can add in new mechanics to Conquest, but they should keep to the purpose of the gametype and to what players expect out of it. And btw, what I stated above is all what seperates most of the maps featured as of late here at FH... they are all the same... what designates them with an identity? Obviously those little variables that I pointed out. It doesn't take a new look or a new trick to give the map a complete identity.

    Please check out Of The Essence and compare his two versions and see why we set the guidelines that we do. And as maps change the guidelines will change, I am actually working on a forward spawning guideline which will give a good idea as to which maps need forward spawning and I am adding a dual weapon guideline. Guidelines are breakable as long as you keep to the purpose and essence of Conquest...


    That is not Conquest... it is all about utilizing cover, dispersing weapons, and working as a team to push forward with more brute force than your opponent:

    There is no push and shove when you split up forces with teleboxes and multiple paths...
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

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    AZN, one of these days you're going to finally realize that Conquest has grown larger than your head. Its a beast all its own now, and no matter how much you try and regulate it, its going to die without some variation from time to time.

    Pred, and for the sake of this statement, Creep1ng, never claimed their recent Conquest maps to be traditional, and even Pred's past work will tell you he doesn't tend to make traditional conquest maps. You need to stop trying to change people's maps to meet your personal specifications.

    Like I said, Conquest is larger than you now, and without some variation (more-so than grenades and path width), it will die.

    And that's all I have to say about that. Thank you.
  19. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    You only think it has grown out of proportion, but it has grown with no direction. I'm not trying to change it to meet my own specification. I'm trying to suggest things to make it play better, because honestly, and I will be blunt, this map was horrible and not fun to play on despite how pretty it was.

    And you can say the same thing for Slayer, or KOTH, or CTF... it's bland and without variation they will die. Conquest is no different. People will find ways to vary it without actually changing the choke point and push and shove aspects of the gametype. LightSout, you have no idea how long term things work now do you? Or how to make a competitive game that seems stale and make it fun and varying? Cuz if you did you would not make statements like that. Cuz those kind of statements can be said about this site, it's become bland and with little to no variation. Yet it will not die because it has formed a solid base. Same as all of the aforementioned gametypes including Conquest. And nothing is ever too large to not contain, to say something like that is being ignorant especially with what we are talking about here.

    And as a matter of fact those statements were not towards either of their maps, they were towards the general discussion of Conquest. It was on teleboxes, spawning (in general), and multiple paths. This map would be great for a standard linear CTF game, or an assault push game because of the multiple paths, but other than that... I dont' see how you can call this a conquest map at all if it doesn't follow the essence of it. Traditional is a stupid word. A standard conquest map is better. A not so standard Conquest map is one that utilizes different weapons, or different types of verticality variation... saying it's "non-traditional" doesn't mean it can break the essence, that is a different thing... anything that breaks the purpose is different, simple as that. A SWAT map with no cover is "non-traditional" by your definition, but that doesn't mean it's good or could even be considered a SWAT map.

    And stop saying Conquest is larger than "me"... just cuz I created it doesn't mean anything. If a gametype like this is as well defined as Conquest and was made by someone else (like Agents) I would defend it in the same way as long as i understood the gametype well enough... stop attacking me and leave me out of this... the discussion is on the gametype.
    #39 Ray Benefield, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009
  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I played this yesterday. I had a pretty good time.

    First things, first. This map is very aesthetically pleasing. Everything is built perfectly. The thing I liked most about your aesthetics is that you decided to pick a theme. As you said, a temple versus a castle. The temple looks beautiful in gold while the castle looks sturdy and strong. I really like the themes of the two bases. Many forgers hardly use this concept. They lack the thought of themes. Your theme helps the overall feel of the map, and I like that.

    The gameplay is as good if not better than the aesthetics. I felt like the weapon set was very well done. The beam rifles keep it fresh. There was always a weapon to blast my enemies when I needed it, but I wasn't overloaded like in an armory. I do think that the grenade placement is questionable. I usually do not like frags on a map. I haven't encountered this as a major problem, but i though I'd point that out, just my opinion. The layout is very nice. It has an original feel. Some players may dislike the Y in a conquest map, but I don't think it is a huge problem. It keeps things feeling fresh. I also like the deathpit. It is subtle. After I jumped in curiously for the first time, I made sure not to fall in again, lol. There is only one thing I disliked in the map.Tele cages. I din't like the placement because they were pretty close to the opposite base, and if you were losing, it became hard to defeat those inside. Also, after people died inside, their bodies would jump around, and it was hard to tell sometimes if there was someone in there or not.

    Overall, I think this is a fine map. The aesthetics are great, and the gameplay is fun and fresh.
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