The KhaliramHi, I'm new to Forge Hub. Anyway, this is one of my new maps, THE KHALIRAM! You may have seen others like this, but I swear, the map is totally original. The Covenant is trying to take down The Khaliram, a UNSC ship on Avalanche. The UNSC spawn inside the ship, with all UNSC vehicles and weapons. The Covenant spawn at their own little base with Covenant vehicles and weapons. The Covenant must try to take to bomb inside the ship and plant it in the Captain's View area! The Covenany also have weapons scattered across the playing field. Also, both teams have a special weapon that spawns after 3 minutes. On the top of the Khaliram, a MAC Blast (Scorpion) spawns. In front of the Covenant base, an AA Gun (Wraith) spawns. Have Fun!! Download 'The Khaliram' - Download 'Sky Bomb' - TIME FOR PICTURES!! Yay-pictures are working! ^Overview of the Khaliram w/ MAC Blast^ ^Closer view of the ship w/ MAC^ ^Inside Front of the Ship (Captains's View)^ ^Inside looking back toward the entrance^ ^Very back inside of the ship, 3 ways to get in. Teleporter, or mancannon on each side^ ^Overview of the Covenant Base^ ^Covenant AA Gun (Wraith) spawns after 3 minutes^ Ok, I know there are some flaws in the map. The geomerging isn't perfect, but it's ok. And some people are saying the Covenant r at a disadvantage of weapons. I will be working and upgrading the map. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them and I will work on the bugs. Once again, this is my first time uploading a map. There are 3 ways to get into the ship BY FOOT. There is a teleporter directly underneath the ship, and there are mancannons on each side allowing for access. Or you could be tricky and jack a hornet, then fly your partner up there. The way to get to the MAC (Scorpion) is via the grav lift. It spawns instantly, but allows enough room to get back into the ship. ENJOY!!
The pictures aren't working, are they embedded? If not read this Link--> Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Competitive Maps edit: oops wrong link ignore it edit: here's the real link -->
*sigh* Here's a tutorial to get your pictures working: Spoiler I would also include more than two pictures to fully represent your map.
haha dont worry man your not dumb. if you were dumb about half of forgehub would be dumb because many people did the same thing when they just joined. well anyway from your description i could really like this map. im a big fan of spaceship maps, and the one you described sounds fun, ill decide if ill dl or not once i c those screenshots, but hurry tho before this post is locked!
Whoa, i know that this may not be merged but still looks really cool. the only thing i would say is for you to have the tank inside the ship so only the cannon stick out, would be really cool. 4/5
Yeah, I wish I could, that would have been really sweet. But I ran out of money and of ideas. I'm sorry