Bill from Left 4 Dead. He doesn't NEED to worry about lung cancer-he was in The War! And something about zombies.
Merucry from Mirrors Edge (Also known as Merc if you don't know...) Doing Parkour would be the sweetest **** ever, and Merc is pretty bad ass himself.
How bout leisure Larry? I don't know anything about the games but it looks like he gets more ass than a toilet seat.
The (covenant) arbiter. 10 feet tall with a whole army at my disposal. I would look like a goddamn vulture, though.
Andrew Ryan because he is quite the man in my opinion. the man owns a city in the middle of the ocean for gods sake.
Alec Mason from RFG. He can run super fast, jump super high, and take out a 4 story building using a sledge hammer.
changed my mind sora from kingdom hearts gets the girls, has a big key thing to open ANYTHING and has big feet. who wouldn't want that.
Wander in Shadow of the Colossus. It was an epic life, with something like a real aim, with love and feelings. One of the greatest games I have ever played.