Your Opinion on the MMORPG Game Runescape

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. TR1COR3

    TR1COR3 Ancient
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    I'm very much into MMO games and have been for the past 4 years or so. I did play Runescape very briefly at one point, however hated the game, its full of 10 year old kids, and a terrible graphics engine, as well as that, some of the gameplay is very poorly thought out. Now that I'm more familiar with the MMO industry i hate large community based MMO's. and I'm currently playing a 'hardcore PvP' game with an active player base of around 20 000 people divided into four separate servers. The reason i play smaller based games is because you can be someone, not just another clone. Nearly every higher level player knows who i am, and vice versa, i play an important role in one of the best guilds in the game, and am good friends with the one of the highest level player's in the game, and talk to him on Ventrilo, on forums and in-game every day. (Ventrilo = a team speak program.) I don't mean to brag but my point is, its not always the case that there's 10's of 1000's of people better than you, you just have to find the right game. Another bonus of smaller games is that the 'Drama' or 'Politics' between enemy guilds is much stronger, and there are constant battles between the two main guilds on my server for control over the high level dungeons, and realms... Etc.
    #21 TR1COR3, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  2. NobodyPro

    NobodyPro Ancient
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    I dropped off at level 15, although I was only playing on the special occasions for weird missions and swearing at the idiots that wanted my 2005 Untradable Chrismas Hat (tm)
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I got to lvl 65 or so because that game was huge in middle school
  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I got sucked into it big, I'm glad halo 3 came to get me out of it. I got to like level 126 on it too =c.
  5. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yeah, I was never into Runescape, nor will I ever be.

    I just don't get it's appeal.. well maybe it makes sense for people 12 and under, but I'm in my twenties. No thank you.
  6. Pluvialis Aquila

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    I started playing the game over three years ago but became inactive after I just got too bored, even though my original reason for playing it was boredom. It was pretty fun while it lasted though, and I log in every few months. I never paid a cent to play the game either.

    That game pretty much got me into the world of "t3h intarwebz" though. I joined my first forum (based on the game) in my early days of playing, and I've been there since.
  7. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    I play it while I forge. Lol. Ranging fire giants doesn't require much attention.

    As Pluvialis said, it got me into teh interwebz too. It used to be soooo much fun, back in the days when the wildy existed. I was in Destined Pures (the best clan ever) and I had so many memorable and fun times with them in RS. Now PvP is terrible compared to what it used to be. Jagex keeps changing it though, so I'm going to keep training until they settle. If it's fun: I stay. If it sucks: I quit.

    The community in RS is absolute crap though. No one has any respect for anyone and most play just to piss other people off. It's because most players are 12 and under as previously stated. That part, I hate and still to this day can not understand. That's why I love pking though, giving those kids something to cry about.

    I'm a pure with 20 def, 99 str, 60 att, 85 mage, 85 HP if anyone was wondering.
  8. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    ..Let's see... My first MMO, and it really got me into them. Sure the graphics are total and absolute ****, but for a browser game it's pretty ****ing impressive. I managed level 80 or so before I sold it and re-hacked it back once it was level 100. So now I have a level 100 never used. Lovely. Moved on to much bigger and better things.
  9. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I played in 5th-7th grade, and finally was presented with the choice of that or live by my parents (i paid for it but they only wanted one at a time). So I chose live yet they still didn't let me buy that for a year...
    So now, when I'm forging (like overloading the sky due to misjududging and need to put something slightly too big in without redoing it entirely) I log on to free.
    Its annoying cause before I quit I had a rare seed (dont remember which) and forgot to bank it. Now my bank is like 5 times overloaded, And I can't put the seed or these random event pants into the bank. I walk around with rune axe, pick, plate, legs, barrows gloves (recipe), bright blue boots (don't remember what they did), glory (does nothing), and thats it. I'm going to get a scimmy, kite, and full helm, spending my time in clan wars. Only when I'm THAT bored.

    Before I quit:
    Bought a santa at 550K, sold for 6mil
    Wasted 3 mil on construction... :(
    cb 87, got bored of combat and got total of 1364 with 229 quest pts (only had two left till done, then i quit)
    lent 1 mil right before quitting to a close (real life) friend, don't think ill get that back.
    used another mil for just overall
    1 mil left...

    Now that there was a giant graphics update, the G.E., and the new wildy thing I'm debating bothering again, roughly 20% of me leans toward it, 80% away.
    Honestly I like the new wildy thing, the minigames are fun and its not annoying as **** when you lose your god cape and want another (either way once I got legends i just said **** you to my god cape)
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Ahhh Runescape. If only I knew the experience I would embark upon suggested to play this game.

    To cut the memories, and account specifics short, Runescape was a game much more for face value. At the time I was 9/10 (Can't remember), but vividly remember when my friend loaned me his account to experiment with the actual game. Of course, I was confused, bewildered, and just bored. For the only game at that moment in my life where I actually stressed a brain cell was Banjoo and Kazooie, and even then that game was extremely difficult. Though, I dropped the game for about two weeks, not caring much about doing so. But then, almost by fate, I made an account, and began my journey. This thread, this actual thread has actually just proven to me the epiphany it has given to me, the sudden progression my brain experienced is quite remarkable for an in-browser game. I realize this, for something I became accustomed to in the game for a short while.

    One time, while traveling along the roads, I came upon Willow Trees. Now my common instinct in the game was to kill, and reject my health+other skills. Now, at the Willow Trees was a Bank positioned on the flank of them. I witnessed people cut, then store, cut, then store, and repeat. I then tried for myself, and understood simple saving. I then strived to find unpopulated Willow's, which I did. But these were next to a general store, which bought the willows. So, me being the un-socialistic child I was, I merely cut and sold to the store. Making simple profit, but for me, it was my first "1k".
    Now, I remember someone chopping with me, questioning how retarded this was. I asked, how else is there to make profit, if I don't sell? He then explained trading with other members, which enveloped me into a whole new dimension, and real world environment.

    Basically, I won't play Runescape later in life, or care for the actual integrity of the game, but it taught me crucial life knowledge, and reality understanding.
  11. abandoned heretic

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    runescape is basically a simplified version of most mmo games so theres still not much difference between different games basically the only fun to be had in them mainly runescape is to swear and piss off random people
  12. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    1000 people are better? For most people, that's the same as Halo. I'm sure that most people get pissed when people are better than them at anything, so thats pretty basic lol. But yea I've never played Runescape or World of Warcraft because they didn't look very interesting to me.
  13. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I love the game. I quit for about two years... And I'm back into it right now. I'm level 99 Combat (93 F2P). I'm a member and I just can't stop playing it. I personally would love to find a new rpg. (since this one gets boring at times). But for the most part the game is just... I don't know. I shouldn't play it, but I can't resist.
  14. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I got to about level 93 then quit. It was really good though when I played, you felt as if you weren't a little kid old any more, and the the variety of things to do was phenominal. Although the reason I quit is because everything started taking too long and I couldn't find anything fun to do. Most of the time towards the end I did woodcutting and searched far and wide for weird and wonderful clothes to make people go "omg wer u get dat?".
  15. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    i used to love that game

    i still remember my name and code

    good times
  16. noir

    noir Ancient
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    I don't really see it's lasting appeal.

    I used to play back in middle school and eventually grew out of it. A few months ago a friend and I started talking about it and I decided to visit the site and see what they had updated. Sure they might have made it look a little better and added a few extra quests, etc, but compared to other free MMO's something about Runescape just seemed too childish for me to play again. It's appeal just completely didn't exist anymore, in my eyes, and still doesn't.
  17. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    MMOs are mainly time-killers. I never particularly enjoyed any of them, especially runescape. I did like this one back in 6th and 7th grade called Flyff, I think it was. It was extremely interactive, and very accessible and balanced, but got pretty lame when I ended up with like, 3 top-level characters.
  18. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    i got to lvl 53 and one day i decided to stop get a fight in school, kick his ass and log off runescape for good i enjoy my life alot more now
    if any people who play runescape read this, just log off your account please
  19. Legolastom

    Legolastom Ancient
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    Meh if you are going to play an MMO play something that's worthwhile like Darkfall and not those repetitive "Complete these 12 thousand repetative quests so you can get better gear and level up" crap MMO games.
  20. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I play it. I'm level 115 f2p combat. I play for clans and clans only. I'm in the #3 clan at the moment called Eternal Honour. We're really good and highly respected, we also won Nicest Clan of 2008 in the clan awards and we are on like a month and a half weekend win-streak.

    Graphics have increased quite a bit by the way and there is so much more to do.

    If anyone doesn't want their accounts feel free to send me their username and password. :p I'll do good with them.
    #40 Rejecting You, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009

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