Modded Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter C, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
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    I thought modding halo 3 or and xbox 360 was impossible. How does this work?
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    A modded firmware perhaps, but I wish to not delve too much deeper into it.
  3. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    It has to be difficult, but that's just a guess... :D
  4. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    Well, I dl the maps on monday, and I'm still fine, but I will say this, after I looked at them once, that was good enough for me, they don't really hold that much worth dl them and keeping them.

    Sure the High Ground one is cool, but there ain't much you can do with it other than practice throwing stickies at non-moving targets. So, I am gonna delete them shortly, because they are a waist of hd space.
  5. AidenApocalypse

    AidenApocalypse Ancient
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    I took a look at some screenshots and decided they really weren't worth having.
    I actually did manage to take them off my qued downloads.
    Because it waits a few minutes to start downloading qued items on Halo 3, I just went and canceled those two, and I'd advise the same. After all, it's in the agreements that you won't have modded or altered content on your hard drive, and there's no telling what they'll decide to do.
  6. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    I think it comes back to the old axiom, 'Tis better to be safe than sorry'.

    As aiden says, it's against the agreement, and theres no telling what bungie might do if you were discovered
  7. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    There isn't much use for them... I mean, when you first do a cool glitch your like "woah, cool!" but then the fun just starts to wear off
  8. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    i haven't seen any modded maps in halo 3 yet......
  9. AidenApocalypse

    AidenApocalypse Ancient
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    Okay, I got the Highqround one that was made and haven't run into any problems.
    But I talked to somebody who says everyone's apparently safe with it on their hard drive as long as they don't put it on their file share and stuff. You can host games on it and the other people can save it that way, I wouldn't download it directly from Bungie, still.
  10. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    They mod offline using a modded 360, then play a lan game with a person with a normal 360. Then that person gets the map of their recently played maps.

    And to the person who said you can't update the modded maps, I'm pretty sure you can. Someone (with a normal 360) changed the Sandtrap one so that there are only 6 elephants. Also, they moved 4 of them outside the map (onto the minefield). So there are 2 elephants in the normal place, and then 4 on the minefield in a square, making a cool little Elephant base.
  11. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I've played the High Ground one. It's quite boring.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    Are the links not working for anyone else?

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    these maps are not that interesting the only cool thing is that if the host leaves on highground and it goes to black screen all the bots multiply by 2
  14. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    highground one is pointless, not worth the download.....and i can't pick up any of the elephants, so that kinda pointless too........
  15. Jmandaman8

    Jmandaman8 Ancient
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    How about we stop looking at these maps as playable maps, and start looking at them from a Forge perspective? Of course these maps aren't going to be playable, but what could be made from them?
  16. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Updated with details of new modded maps by Anthony.
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I don't like the idea of using modded maps here at

    Take them somewhere else.

  18. Beettaaa

    Beettaaa Ancient
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    My friend showed me them, and they're not worth losing XBL.
  19. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    And who are you to tell him to take his modded maps somewhere else?
  20. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    The whole point of a mod isnt so much to wreck the game and get everyone banned but to have a good laugh. Seeing a bunch of palm trees scattered around a map and a weapon holder firing plasma mortars is definetely a laugh. You arent supposed to take the map and make something and put it on your file share and say "omg look im so cool i took a modded map and modified it!" because THAT is what gets you banned. What doesnt get you banned is DLing something that is debated to be legal. If there is the slightest ounce of doubt, there is justifiable cause to DL it. If you are STILL that paranoid, disconnent your wireless adapter or moden or cable or whatever and look at it offline. The idea that microsoft and bungie would waste all that time and resources finding the thread, determining if it is a mod, spiking the thread/deleting it and then tracing everyone who DLed it and then banning them when they COULD be banning people who are actually doing something wrong like cheating the matchmaking system and boosting their levels or whatever. Like i said above, it is really just for fun. It isnt gonna destroy the game, it isnt going to make sniper bullets instantly hit their heads and give you a 50 in every matchmaking playslist, its just a bunch of random polygons thrown around a map (which is MORE polygons, might i add). What am i getting at? Im getting at that taking a part of a map and duplicating it isnt that bad. And apparently bungie doesnt think its enough to actively pursue these kind of things either, especially considering how i staed above that there are other more pressing problems that do matter like people cheating the ranking system.

    I have several friends that i have been shown these maps by. None of them have been banned. If you are banned for this, it is probably due to some kind of random search protocol, or you were in thr wrong place at the wrong time.

    Bottom line is, stop being babies about it. Your all acting as thought its poison and even talking or discussing it will get you banned. And DLing it will only have one repsercussion - you cant play xbox live for a day or two. Big deal. Im going to use the excuse my parents always use on me - we didnt have this when we were kids. Loosing something alot of people never had for one day is nothing to be so freaken afraid of. Im sorry if i am confusing the issue, but you all seem so afraid of this stuff like its toxic acid or it has a horrible taboo that will wipe your hardrive and cause your xbox to explode.

    Im going to leave you all with one final comment. If your afraid, just avoid it. If you dont think it is safe, dont DL it, but dont try to be scaring all the people that do know that nothing is going to happen that will permanetely alter your life. Just stop being so paranoid, it is the most annoying thing to me.

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