Clan Meeting Chamber V4.5 Well, I said I'd do it on sandbox... I've been procrastinating and procrastinating, but finally about 2 days ago i sat down at midnight and forged. It all started with the entrance way. I created a circle in the skybubble with a floor and then made an extending branch... Anyway, I don't want to share the whole story or else you'd find yourself reading a 2 hour long post that took up seven pages on its own. So yeah. This ones in the crypt and skybubble (same as my competitive map, hmm...) and its aesthetically pleasing... Hope you peoples enjoy! CMCV4.6 (Clan Meeting Chamber Version 4.6) *Updated to 4.5 on April 14th* *Updated to 4.6 on April 17th* ____________________ PICTURE TIMEZ!!1! ____________________ The entrance to the meeting chamber: The stage (goes up REALLY high): Me at teh podium: TOP: Entrance to the sleeping area/barracks/whateverthehellyoucallit BOTTOM: Overview of the " " (Roof is removed) New overview of the outer plaza: Balconies for the High-Ranks: Overview of offices (Has no Roof, Roof is seating for people who aren't High Ranks. Teleporters lead to stage): Me on top of the office roof staring at the stage: The Entrance way (You spawn here. Don't jump into teleporter, walk in.): Roof of the offices, AKA Lower ranked seating: TOP: Walk in here (Once you step on walk backwards) BOTTOM: Come down here New entrance (Left teleporter to lower balcony, Right teleporter to higher balcony): Human shooting range: Covie Shooting range: No moar turats...: ____________________ DL Link ____________________ ~~Dowload Meeting Gametype~~ ~~Download Map~~ This map was made by me, only me and nothing but me. If you question that, I'll give you 10 hours of proof.
This looks pretty cool. I like the concepts you've implemented. It looks really thought out, and the aesthetics are great. I love the look of it. Great job! 8/10.
Great effort, but looks like more of a fun map than one that is truly meant to play on. (which was obviously your intent) Very well done, but I see no use to DL it myself. I'm not in a clan or leader of a clan, but again, great work. From the pics, I can tell that this map is an aesthetic beauty. If only there was a way to control who went in the teleporters...
I don't mean to be a jerk, but if the map's in the AESTHETIC section, why do people continue to question weather it's good to play on. 99% of the time, aesthetic maps use too much money on looks to make the map playable, that's why there's separate forums for aesthetic and competitive. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I always love to have people give their honest opinion. Thank you! I always love it when clans/groups use my maps. I wish luck to your clan and hope you use this tool I'm giving you alot.
looks good, neatly forge. like the balcony idea. overall id give it 4/5 cos there always room for improvement. ill use it for my clan meetings.
Dude, that looks amazing. You made an aesthetic beauty. This looks like clans could actually meet here.(duh). It has a lot more detail than other maps I have seen for meetings, and I can tell you put a lot of time into forging this. Great job 5/5
*Top post updated to show the v4.5 additions* *Dowload link changed to v4.5* *v4.1 will be removed from my fileshare in 24 hours*
This looks really nice, kind of reminds me of one of Hiltler's speeches when he's up on the balcony. I would change show things though. I would say take out the Killball because it makes a really annoying sound and some people might have to turn down their TVs to hear when people are speaking. Also, I think you should just switch the Man Cannon into a grav-lift so you don't have to walk into it a certain way to get up top. And lastly, maybe you could interlock the teleporters into the double blocks so that you don't have to see the ugly green and grey.
Reply to CaMOfo: kind of reminds me of one of Hiltler's speeches when he's up on the balcony. Don't mean to be an ass, but, don't even go there. take out the Killball because it makes a really annoying sound and some people might have to turn down their TVs to hear when people are speaking. Only the person on the stage can hear it, and he'll be able to hear people from his headset. switch the Man Cannon into a grav-lift so you don't have to walk into it a certain way to get up top Can't, used them elsewhere. interlock the teleporters into the double blocks so that you don't have to see the ugly green and grey. Grey? I think that it doesn't matter, but if I hear some other people say it, maybe.
Hey this is pretty damn cool. Wish I had a clan to use it on, but I'm not really a clan-kinda guy to begin with. As an aesthetic map, it may not live up to Eight Emerald Legs, but then again, this is an entirely different concept. Althought I'm sure there are other maps with a clan-meeting purpose, this is possibly one of the best. One side-note, as an aesthetic map, it kind of lacks interlocking at some places. For example, mainly the walls on the 15th screenie. One a side-side note, I'm not really in my field on purely aesthetic maps, so I may be wrong.
awesome clan meeting place good thing i have a clan of 10 people so far thx for map and game type i give 10/10