Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) I must say this looks great, but it's a pain to turn suicide pointloss and respawn time gain off every time, Nice thoguh.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Nevermind, I just saved a new grifball, anyway I really like it, falling of the cliff often can be a pain but this is a nice small court for 3 on 3.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Due to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 being 0ob3r l33ts4uc3 pwn4g3, I probably wont be releasing maps any time soon, but when I do look forward to epitaph phootball!
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) lol This 1 might be better than original! Less room to sneak by, you need to work together in small groups... nice idea, 5/5