Mythic DLC Out of Orbital V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Wally12, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Download Version 3

    YouTube - Halo 3 Glitches & Tricks - Out of Orbital V3.0 (Alpha Base CJ16) Map Tour

    : me, Wally16


    This is basically the original Orbital weapon placement and such, but there is more area of play. This is because I got out of the map into OUTER SPACE, where there is a huge base/are you can walk around in. There are also three smaller areas that are in OUTER SPACE where their is a weapon and/or equipment worth getting. Plus, in all the out of map places, you get a cool view.

    In the largest out of the map place above orbital in outer space, you can get a great view. The teleporter that takes you there is by the pit. Just jump into it to go through it.

    The total number of places out of the map is FOUR.

    Share this with your friends and comment and rate too please.

    Since someone asked, here is a how-to:
    I did this by just getting close to the windows, spawning a teleporter, and then saving and ending the game so they teleporters wouldn't disappear. Then, once I was out, I started placing things and put the teleporters where I wanted them.

    Full Map Tour but less video quality
    YouTube - Halo 3 Glitches and Tricks - Out of Orbital V2 Map Variant (Tour) by Wally16Partial Map Tour
    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Picture Video
    YouTube - Halo 3 Glitches and Tricks - Out of Orbital Map Variant by Wally16Pictures:

    Area 1:







    Area 2:




    Area 3:




    Area 4:



    Secret Area inside the map:



    Out of Orbital V2 Download
    #1 Wally12, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks really good for if you want to take some interesting screenshots. And I could see some fun mini-games coming out of Area 1.

    This should probably be in Aesthetic maps though... I don't think Casual is the right place for it.
  3. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I'm glad you like this. And, I wasn't sure where to put this between Casual and Aesthetic, so I just picked this sub-forum since this is where I posted version one of this map.
  4. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    WOW GOOD JOB! i've never seen these parts of the map you did really well on getting in and out of the map looks like a good template to start my new map.
  5. kangarobeatboxr

    kangarobeatboxr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, that's really cool! how'd you make it out of orbital? It'd probably get some good ratings, since very few people forge maps on assembly and orbital, thats a good 4/5, nice job... although i am probably getting a little worked up, nice job though.
  6. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    wait... wasnt this done by someone else???? I could of sworn I seen this posted under a different name. This looks like the one I DL??? kkk if this was yours then its really great. Ive played on it and taken a couple of screens. The Bungie Favs (4/10/09) featured a screen shot on this map.
  7. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    This is revolutionary, you've discovered an area where you can forge freely in an aesthetic dreamworld, with a floor already built in. This is going to be great for mini-game remakes. Cold spots for example would look amazing up here. How high can you go in forge mode without blowing up by the guardians?
  8. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
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    You might have played on my version 1 (Found Here) of this. This is version 2, which has the addition of the fourth area (seen above). This is the last possible area that you can get out to. Version 2 now has every single out of the map spot you can get to and live.

    Also, I'm glad you like my map!

    It depends on the area you are in. There are invisible ceilings above that stop you from going higher, but there are no guardians above you that kill you.
    #8 Wally12, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  9. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love this. Those who love to make aesthetic maps will love it more. I love the idea of seeing the entire world below you. This is definitely something I am going to download. If we put your name in our post, can we use your map. I would love to build maps on this and I hope you find more glitches on other maps.
  10. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes! Finally! I've been waiting for this! Yess!
    Thank you!
  11. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very cool, very, very cool. A one of a kind thing really. How many other maps have something like this where you can forge. But wait, there's more, there's not just one, or two, but four areas to explore!

    You can get the Sham-Wow guy to narrate your next video.
  12. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will be using this in my next map thanks for this dled 5/5
  13. Dragon Ninja

    Dragon Ninja Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool.

    But how do you even get the stuff out of the map?
    It looks like some of those teleporters are abovem the bases which I would think would be really hard to do.

    Is it hard to get them up there?
  14. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this i have to say is a great idea. It helps people make awsome maps outside of orbital. Good map and i know ill dl it i might use it in a map in the future.
  15. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, you may and I'm glad you like my map. Enjoy!

    It can be, but now you don't have to worry about that. Just use this as a canvas if you want to build out of the map.
    #15 Wally12, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  16. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice work! This will be great for some awesome screen shots. Thanks!
  17. johnlmonkey

    johnlmonkey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW! this looks pretty awesome. I love it when Bungis maps are so quickly glitched =)
  18. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, same here. Lol. I love glitching them. I am probably gonna try to make a cool zombie map or something cool on this eventually. Also, I'm glad you like the map! Enjoy!

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