Matchmaking always overtaking custom games. Now, I have nothing against playing matchmaking. Most of the time if you don't run into morons and the game goes smooth, win or lose it's a lot of fun. Plus always having a full set of players usually makes for some good games as well. One thing about me though is this... I <3 my custom games. Even if it's just a simple slayer game between friends, I for whatever reason prefer it to matchmaking. Not to mention you get to basically choose all the rules and custom forge maps make for some unique gameplay. I'm usually in the forge when I'm on Halo trying to think up unique maps to play with my friends. Mind you I'm not an expert forger in the least, so I'm not gonna say I have "Teh bezzst mapz on teh INTARWEBZ!!! DLz PLZZZ???!!?" (Yes, I've seen it before... numerous times infact... -_-) but I think I can put together some decent maps that me and my friends have some fun with. However... no matter what we do, the customs I play with my friends are always pushed aside as a "warmup" for Matchmaking. ... A "warmup"? I fail to see how a close-quarters fiesta map is warmup for matchmaking... Looking into the problem at hand though, I've begun to see why people think this. Experience. I hear it all the time: "I don't ever get a feeling that I've 'won' anything in a custom game. At least I get an experience point for a win in Matchmaking." Yes, because that one experience point means soooo much. ... People get so caught up in trying to get their rank higher in Halo that they forget to have fun sometimes imo. I love the fact that Forge was created because there's so many different games that you can play... all in Halo 3, and yet... due to these "matchmaking addicts" alot of them not only don't get to played much, but really aren't appreciated for what they actually are. I figured this was a good place to put this since I'm sure there's a ton of custom game fans here and I've been wondering how many others ran into this problem.
yeah Yeah dude I totally hear ya! It's so annoying when you wanna play a custom game and then some moron says 'lets play matchmaking instead, it's better'... In what way is playing boosters on a red bar connection with 2 players against 8 better? Its like an OCD, so many people want experience, and a high rank, which leads to boosting. If anything becoming obsessed with matchmaking is a bad thing, because then you make a boost account, and beat n00bs, and you become worst at the game, which has happened to a few of my previous teamates. Customs are better because you can play who you want, with no pressure of 't3h 4weS0m3 XP' being dropped, and nobody really quits out Matchmaking is full of idiots, apart from high rank MLG games, which there is a less concentration of idiots in, other than MLG i don't like playing other matchmaking modes. Customs are better than matchmaking, unless you're like a 45 or higher in MLG, cos then thats when the real challenges lie. Nice thread
I don't play as much custom games as I'd like to. In matchmaking it's just easier to get your match started, and is more likely to be a good choice if you have no preferations of map & gametype - although you can pick a general direction of gametypes you like. I personally prefer custom games, but because a (too) large quantity of my friends is barely ever on Halo 3, it's hard to get a match up and running. I get invites, now and then, which I usually accept and then I have loads of fun :3 Also, infection. Point made!
Eh, that makes sense, but the main thing I don't really care about in Matchmaking is that, at least with my friends, we always do basic slayer. I'm not gonna say I'm a huge fan of most objective games, but I don't mind some CTF or Assault (depending on the map) to mix it up a bit either. I would have to say that my favorite aspect of customs though are the mini-game maps. Besides Grifball which occasionally appears in Mythic and as a double exp playlist, that's the only "mini-game" that's seen. Some of my favorites (that I've gotten from Forgehub btw, lol) include the Boss Battle, Roasting Zombie Cage (as we call it, lol), and my Smash Bros maps, and we rarely play any of those really besides the Smash Bros maps. @DimzSA: Eh, I can't really say I'm a huge fan of MLG. Probably because most MLG players have whined about the way a map is set up or about a particular weapon or whatever, so I've never touched the MLG playlist and frankly I don't plan on it either for that sake. I'm too much of a casual player to care about some of the specifics that most MLG players care about. The main problem at least that my friends say when it comes to customs is "I dun get no XPzzz. I dun win nutin... ;'{". Not so much that they lose anything if they don't win, but there's "no prize" if they do, and that just bugs the heck out of me.
I love beating Generals in MM. I'm only a Major and usually they make me their *****, but I'm perfect at picking out **** generals who bought their accounts. If I beat a general, you know they're a fraud. But I prefer playing campaign than anything. The only thing I hate about it is the half-second weapon fire lag you sometimes get, and the slow-mo lag. And when someone quits out.
I like beating generals with my master sergeant account *one-upped* anyway I like a good custom game but, it is alot harder to get players for one, Bungie should make a thing that if you have a good map to play go into playlist "As leader" and get players matcvhed into your game but, if they were asses you could boot them if you were the one with the map. That would never work though people are asses
Eh, I both agree and disagree. It would be a good idea to randomly find players, but how many of them would actually be involved in a good custom game and play by the rules would be pretty difficult. As far as custom maps are concerned though I do believe Bungie should add two more playlists, however. A "Sandbox" and a "Foundry" playlist for each level. Or one featuring both either way. It would be consisted of mainly competetive or casual maps and rules from FH for instance, and I guess mainly featured maps would be best for a playlist like this, for the sole sake of they've been approved as "good" I guess by the FH staff, (Or whoever decides what does and doesn't get featured). That way many of the more talented forgers get to show off some of their work more often, and to avoid many of the reasons why not many maps got "approved" in Bungie's last attempt to put forge maps into MM, players going into the playlist would be aware of what they're going into before they start playing.
its not so much as they are warming up for an imparticular playlist its probably that they are one of those people who need to get themselves into the feel of halo before they get competitive.
I don't remember reading where custom games are casual only. I've played many a custom which is just as... if not more... competitive than any matchmaking game. Every one is alot more fun too