RejatarRejatar is a great map located underneath sandbox. 2x Ghosts 2x BRs 2x Spikers 2x Carbines 1x mauler 1x Rocketlauncer 1x needler 2x magnums 1x plasma pistol 4x spike grenades Pics Red Base start Blue Base start When you look at the pictutres of both bases you'll see a door at each one, these doors lead to the inside part of the map put its just a small section when you look at the blue base pic youll see a mancannon, this is wear it leads to, an upper area with a br larger veiw of left side of map larger veiw of right side of map veiw coming out of red base PLEASE DOWNLOAD Rejatar sorry no action shots yet tell me what you think
Looks good to me, my only suggestion is that you put a bit more cover here and there. A half dozen broken pillars should do it
This does look pretty good, but yeah maybe a tad more cover. Overall it looks nice. Will download. 4/5 Oh and j71193, you completely spammed AND double posted. You need to post about the map (constructive criticism), not how large the pics are (which that just means they are loading).