Competitive Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Big Maxy 117, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    OK, so far in my forging career I have mostly focused on making aesthetic or mini game maps, but recently I have been getting more into competitive play and would like to start making maps for it.

    Basically what I'm asking is a list of things I'll need to know, like 'rules' (for example in MLG you can only use certain weapons and shouldn't use teleporters), also I'd like to learn things about how much cover I should be including in my maps and the kind of places where I should use it. Another important thing is a bit about weapon placement, should I be placing the weapons in spots where they will instantly become helpful? In short, absolutely anything you know about making competitive maps would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks to all those who help out, and I hope to produce some good maps!
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    This is the guide to map design straight from's forging forum. The design dos and don'ts found there apply to all maps, not just MLG maps. You'll just have to take the concepts described and apply them to weapons besides just the BR and a few power weapons.

    You can even ask questions in that thread and get pretty good answers, like I did on page 7. Which reminds me, I should ask around for people's opinions on what makes a good oddball map besides the ability to "play ball" cause all I know is that circular flow is good like Lockdown has, and that playing the ball would be helpful if the sky bubble allowed it.
  3. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Gosh, lots of readings. Thanks for that link Ladnil, pretty much taught me everything I need to know for know!

    The only part I'm still a bit dodgy on is weapon placement as that guide only covers MLG and not competitive as a whole. Anymore help on this from people would be appreciated.
    #3 Big Maxy 117, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    To generalize, try to not overload your maps with power weapons. I did that A LOT in my old maps and I think they suffered because of it. There's no set number to have, just use your judgement. Also, if you map is symmetrical, it is very important to make sure each team is equidistant to a power weapon. One step ahead is all the advantage a team needs to grab something.

    Balance is another important factor. Some weapons are dominant in certain situations while others aren't. Powerful weapons should be placed in more vulnerable places. While smaller weapons whould be more readily available all around the map. Think of it as advanced rock, paper, and scissors. Everything needs some sort of counter.
  5. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Hmmm, thanks for that Draw the Line. I think I've pretty much got a basic enough knowledge to atleast try something out, hopefully I can create something good!
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good luck, and remember to think about how what you're building relates to what you've already built and what you plan to build in terms of flow and LOS as you go along.

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